First things first; no one forces anyone to "pledge" their allegiance to anything in our country, but I Pledge Allegiance To The Flag of this country. When you have pledged yourself Of United States of America, there are and should be many benefits to this allegiance. Most notably the Freedom's and Right's granted to us by OUR Constitution to which our sacred right is the VOTE in this land.
We do extend the Freedom's and Right's of OUR Constitution to visitors and guests of OUR Nation, HOWEVER, when you withdraw your allegiance and or perform an act deliberately disrespecting our great land And To The Republic For Which It Stands, for, then those Freedom's and Right's should be removed and so should you!

This Country was NOT founded on "rebellion" (which the Bible calls the same as witchcraft-evil) but on Revolution. We are One Nation Under GOD and when it's own citizens don't understand this great blessing and responsibility given to us by our Creator for not only the good of us and Israel, but the World, it takes us from Indivisible, With Liberty And Justice For All., to divided and weak, a help for no one including ourselves.
One great thing about teams is that they are united, putting the team above self or personal interests, not caring about the race or color of your teammates. Being able to celebrate with those different from ourselves, to hug and legitimately care and be concerned for other players, especially injured ones and their families. Knowing your position on the team and the part it plays for a successful outcome.
Last night, two college football teams played in the largest recorded venue, 156,990 attendees! It was more than the 22 players on the field, the ones on the side lines, the coaches and staff, the sportscasters, cameramen, writers, security, vendors, ticket takers, construction crew, field maintenance people, janitors and of course the Dr Pepper man. You getting what I'm putting down yet? When we are like minded, not alike in looks, color or thought, but like minded in Spirit, Our Nation Under God has accomplished more than any other!
With sports and entertainment "stars" not standing for OUR "National Anthem" and people regularly burning or desecrating OUR FLAG, it is time to call on OUR team to return to the field, Team America!
Blessings this 911 America
We do extend the Freedom's and Right's of OUR Constitution to visitors and guests of OUR Nation, HOWEVER, when you withdraw your allegiance and or perform an act deliberately disrespecting our great land And To The Republic For Which It Stands, for, then those Freedom's and Right's should be removed and so should you!

This Country was NOT founded on "rebellion" (which the Bible calls the same as witchcraft-evil) but on Revolution. We are One Nation Under GOD and when it's own citizens don't understand this great blessing and responsibility given to us by our Creator for not only the good of us and Israel, but the World, it takes us from Indivisible, With Liberty And Justice For All., to divided and weak, a help for no one including ourselves.
One great thing about teams is that they are united, putting the team above self or personal interests, not caring about the race or color of your teammates. Being able to celebrate with those different from ourselves, to hug and legitimately care and be concerned for other players, especially injured ones and their families. Knowing your position on the team and the part it plays for a successful outcome.
Last night, two college football teams played in the largest recorded venue, 156,990 attendees! It was more than the 22 players on the field, the ones on the side lines, the coaches and staff, the sportscasters, cameramen, writers, security, vendors, ticket takers, construction crew, field maintenance people, janitors and of course the Dr Pepper man. You getting what I'm putting down yet? When we are like minded, not alike in looks, color or thought, but like minded in Spirit, Our Nation Under God has accomplished more than any other!
With sports and entertainment "stars" not standing for OUR "National Anthem" and people regularly burning or desecrating OUR FLAG, it is time to call on OUR team to return to the field, Team America!
Blessings this 911 America