Friday, December 30, 2016

Santa Exposed: Part IV

Ok, lets finish this thing.  We will not review at this point since you can look back on your own, so, lets look at our original paragraph for reference and start:

You can find him in any mall prior to Christmas, sitting on his throne while lines of children wait just to sit on his lap and be judged; "have you been a good little boy..." This jolly old man, his head and beard as white as snow, that rides in a sleigh, pulled by reindeer, giving presents to good little boys and girls if their name is in his book.  All with the help of Santa's elves.  Just fun fantasy you say?

We are going to look at three things:

First: "if their name is in his book."  Santa's Naughty & Nice book of course!

Romans 14:12 NASB  So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God.

Revelation 20:12 NLT  I saw the dead, both great and small, standing before God's throne. And the books were opened, including the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded in the books.

Second: "All with the help of Santa's elves."  What is an Elf?

A supernatural creature of folk tales, typically represented as a small, elusive figure in human form with pointed ears, magical powers, and a capricious nature. (Dictionary)

A imp, goblin or troll. (Thesaurus)

An elf is a being of Norse mythology. The elves were originally thought of as a race of divine or semi-divine beings (wights, vættir) endowed with magical powers, which they use both for the benefit and the injury of mankind. (Wikipedia)

Ernie, are you trying to tell me those cute little elves are really goblins and trolls? YES!!! 

Let me ask you a question; What do you think satan REALLY looks like?  Does this picture capture at least something of what we expect?  What does the Bible say about his physical features?

2 Corinthians 11:14-15 NLT But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.  So it is no wonder that his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. In the end they will get the punishment their wicked deeds deserve.

Third: "Just fun fantasy you say?"  The children don't think it is fantasy, Santa is very real to them!

"Fantasy plays an important role in any religious curriculum, for the subjective mind is less discriminating about the quality of its food than it is about the taste. . . Thus, fantasy is utilized as a magic weapon [in Satanism]. . . The Satanist maintains a storehouse of avowed fantasy gathered from all cultures and from all ages." 
(Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Rituals, p. 15, 27)

Now that is scary!  Let me end with this (Ernie, I thought this would never end): Santa, take the third letter and place it in the fifth position - what does it spell?  SATAN!? This is called an Anagram.

Anagrams can be traced back to the time of Moses, as "Themuru" or changing, which was to find the hidden and mystical meaning in names. 

Please don't blindly accept or reject what we have written about these past few weeks. Your job is to check and see if it is true.  Most people don't want to really know the truth, so when they find something important to them they can not understand why people won't examine their evidence either?

Check out this site for a much more in debt look at Satan, I mean Santa (do I) by Dr Terry Watkins Th.D.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Black Friday Getting Darker

Black Friday headlines from Drudge Report… Chaos and crime…
Black Friday madness: Two people are killed outside a Macy's and a Walmart while customers fight over everything from TVs to towels as stores open their doors for record $3.1bn holiday splurge 

These were the headlines on the Drudge Report for Black Friday, November 25, 2016.  Each year there seems to be more and more mayhem for the "biggest" shopping day of the year.  This day typically marks the beginning of the Christmas shopping season.  I do believe we should take the "Christ" out of this Christmas and make it the "Mass Shopping Season"!?  After all, isn't that what Christmas is in our nation?

With the last Election (a very very bad joke), the climate or pulse of our nation towards the things God cares about, IE; murder of the unborn and partial born, sanctity of marriage and Israel is revealed on a large and viewable scale.  As the nation moves further away from God, we should not be surprised at the outcome - greed, lust, violence and self gratification to name a few.

2Timothy 3:1-5 NLT
(1)  You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times.
(2)  For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred.
(3)  They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good.
(4)  They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God.
(5)  They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!

What bothers and even scares me is the amount of "Christian's" who voted for the "man" and "party" that not only supports all the three major things God abhors, but didn't want God mentioned in its platform?  Then there are the "Christian's", called to be the "salt of the earth" (that means to preserve) and have not only the right but the responsibility to exercise that GOD-GIVEN RIGHT in our nation, but didn't vote???

Judgement is coming and it will start in the HOUSE OF THE LORD!  As my Pastor says; I can stand, kneel, or lay before the Lord and say did what I was suppose to do in this area of my Faith, my Family and my Country.

What was more prevalent this year than previous years is Black Friday started on Thursday?  So another Holiday DEEP in Christian roots is eroding just like our society.  And again, leading the way was the "Christian's" standing in the lines promoting the materialism - for what, to save money on toys for Christ or the Mass?

John 16:33 NKJV

(33)  These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

Who is Jesus talking to in that verse and what is he talking about?  If you want to know who I was - look at my past behavior.  If you want to know who I am now - look at my current behavior?  I GUARANTEE people are looking at you too?

Season's Beatings

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Remember on November 2nd???

This was a posted noted back in 2010 that way to many people chose to ignore.  Now look how far we have fallen in just four years?  Don't forget this year.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Natural Disasters and "Acts of God"

With all of the "Natural Disasters" that have been occurring and the pending Hurricane, the principle outlined here is worth reviewing.

A while back I wrote:

A while ago Japan is hit with an earthquake recording 8.9 on the richter scale!  Clearly one of the biggest natural disasters of our time.  These so called "Acts of God" seem to be happening more frequently, or are we just able to report more?  Speaking of God, why are we willing to give Him credit for these disasters but not for the years or decades of disaster-free weather?  We will look further at this in a minute.

Lets quickly define the "Richter Scale"; The Richter magnitude scale, also known as the local magnitude (ML) scale, assigns a single number to quantify the amount of seismic energy released by an earthquake.  Each level on the scale is 10x's greater than the previous one.  For example, an earthquake measuring 6 on the richter scale is ten times greater than an earthquake measuring 5 on the scale.

Ok back to "Acts of God".  I am sure the devil enjoys hearing this because satan is the current ruler of the earth.

John 12:31 NLT  The time for judging this world has come, when Satan, the ruler of this world, will be cast out.

John 14:30 NLT  I don't have much more time to talk to you, because the ruler of this world approaches. He has no power over Me,

John 16:11 NKJV (Jesus speaking of satan) of judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged.

Now God is Sovereign, which means He is The Supreme and Ultimate One in charge.  With that said nothing and I repeat nothing happens to us without it first passing through God's hands.  Satan must get permission to cause the "Natural Disasters".

So Ernie, God doesn't do them but still allows them, why?  Is it God's judgment?  Does God not care for His people who live in these areas?  I can see God judging those who don't believe Him, but why does He allow His people to die also?  You ask great questions-whomever you are.

I will not claim to have all answers, nor should you believe me without checking what I say against His Word (the Bible).  With that said, I will answer these with the 2-2-2 Principle.  My wife taught this to me from Way of the Master.

First 2:  God is always working on two sets of people, the unsaved and the saved.  The saved are people whom have placed their faith and trust in Jesus (hopefully you), the unsaved are you guessed it, everybody else (maybe you). 

Second 2:  The Unsaved; God is either judging them or calling them to Himself.  My good friend Kevin Bair told me years ago; God's greatest tool that he uses to get our attention, so we can get our focus straight is Tragedy!?

Third 2:  The Saved;  God is either pruning / refining us or calling us home.

I believe in every type of tragedy you will find this principle in play.  My friends, stop blaming God for the sin we each have committed and its consequences.  Jesus has made a way for YOU NOW!

Isaiah 55:6 NKJV  Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near.

Blessings my Friends


Monday, May 23, 2016

Socialism is a Pie, Capitalism is a Cake!

Let me first butter my bread  by saying that I am a major CAPITALIST!  I believe in Capitalism whole heartily and so should you.  The freedom to own and do with it as you see fit is the economic foundation on which this country was built.  To long has the subversive left taught that capitalism and big business are evil.  It is time to wise up America before we become the Land of The Bound and Home of The Weak!? 

If you are retired, you should be a strong advocate for capitalism, because you made enough money to save for your future.

If you worked for a business that contributed to your retirement on top of what you did, you should be doubly pro-capitalism.  Why, because that business made a profit and they chose to spend it on you!

If you ever had to get unemployment benefits from the loss of a job, you should be pro-capitalism because - yes you paid into it but so did your employer and a bunch of other tax payers.

If you are on disability, you should be pro-capitalism because the more money business and people make, the more tax money their is to fund yours and mine disability!

Let me ask you a question:  Do you think that the ridiculously high salaries that professional sports payers make should be cut with some of that money going to more important things like Teachers, Policemen, Firemen and our Servicemen???  If you answered "Yes" to this question, you have been indoctrinated (brainwashed) towards communism!  That's right, taking from those who have and giving to those who have not is communism.  Besides, sports drives our economy.  Just think of all the different jobs that sports provides from owners, players, builders, vendors, maintenance, all the different media and more!?  Something to think about at least.

Lets talk Pie's and Cake's:

Socialism and communism both teach that their is a "Pie" (only so much) and everybody wants a piece of it.  If you have ever looked at a pie you know they come in single layered tins.  Now if I want a bigger piece, I need to take from someone else, maybe not physically but in order for me to make more, someone else must make less.

Capitalism on the other hand is a Cake (7 layered chocolate for me from Cheese Cake Factory).  Capitalism says that there is enough for every one who is willing to work for it!  There is no ceiling on how much you can make even if you are in competition with someone.  Why, because with cakes all you do to make them bigger is add layers.  No one has a "wedding pie", its a cake and usually as grand as you can afford!

Winston Churchill said: The inherent vice of capitalism is the uneven division of blessings, while the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal division of misery.

You, me, small businesses and big businesses should be able to make as much profit as the market will bear.  More importantly they all should be allowed to spend their profits as they see fit!  The only problem I have and I believe we would all agree is when the greed at the top sacrifices the bottom at someone else's expense.

I am a very simple minded person, my immediate remedy for our economy is to DRILL DRILL DRILL!

Saturday, April 30, 2016

How to Find Your True Soul Mate!

Recently my good friend Kevin Bair and I were discussing the concept of soul-mates.  Are there "Soul-Mates"?  Does every one have one?  If so, how do I find my soul-mate?  To answer these questions we must first define what a soul mate is and what source we are going to use to find the answer(s).  Many people use the term soulmate for every romantic relationship they become involved with or to their marital partner.  Below are the most common definitions of soul mates:

A soulmate is somebody with whom one has a feeling of deep and natural affinity, love, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, and/or compatibility.

The one person who can always make you smile, who shares your hopes and dreams, who makes you whole.  Urban Dictionary

a person for whom one has a deep affinity, esp a lover, wife, husband, etc.  The Free Dictionary

Soul-mates started with Greek mythology (go figure) which said our ancestors once had 2 heads and four arms (for "intellectual leaders" of the times - they had weird ideas).  Anyway, supposedly they did something to offend a god and were punished by being spilt down the middle, resulting in the creation of humans.  Humans, as punishment were condemned to spend their lives searching for their other half or soulmate.

First, if a soul-mate is just someone or thing that makes me feel good inside and that I love - I ate it for lunch, it was a homemade pizza and it was good!  Really, most people would say that their soul-mate is one that makes them "whole".  That is how we are going to answer this question by using "one who makes you whole".

Second, you are not going to be surprised that we will use the book which tells us how we were really designed and about the Designer - The Bible.

Ok, the Bible does tell us a lot about our mate and about our soul.  According to God's Word, we are a spirit being, living in a body, possessing a soul.
1 Thessalonians 5:23 NKJV  Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Bible does not us the term "soul-mate" at all, especially to define our spouses.  It does use the term "help-meet" (I spelled it right) though, a very different concept altogether.  In Genesis 2:18 the Hebrew expression ezer kenegdo (help-meet) appears, meaning "one who is the same as the other and who surrounds, protects, aids, helps, supports."
Genesis 2:18 AMP  Now the Lord God said, It is not good (sufficient, satisfactory) that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper meet (suitable, adapted, complementary) for him.

The body is temporary, the soul can be killed, however the spirit is eternal.  

Matthew 10:28 NLT  "Don't be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

Death of the soul is separation from God for all eternity.  Jesus came to save my soul from hell.
1 Peter 1:9 NLT  The reward for trusting Him will be the salvation of your souls.

Lets rap this up;  my spouse/lover/friend is my helper-mate not my soul mate.  In my case Carey (my bride) cannot make my soul whole (which would be to save it).  If she could I would have no need for Christ in my life and He would not have needed to die for my sins.  Conversely, Jesus is OUR soul-mate.  He is the ONLY One who can save our souls and make them whole again by restoring our relationship with God The Father.  Every one can have Him as their soul-mate, do you?


Saturday, April 9, 2016

This is very difficult for me...

I haven't written much in the past four months.  I have been focusing on my health when my Toddler is napping instead of writing.  Today... This is very difficult for me to write about, it is both a compliment of the highest praise I can give to the men and women of our Armed Forces (of which my son is a member) and the strongest criticism of the Christian Church.

The United States Military is comprised of men and women both broken and whole, black and white, young and old, of different beliefs, thoughts, motives and political affiliations, etc., whom  come together more successfully than any other group in the world to Defend The Weak, Protect The Proud, and Promote The Good Freedom that is under attack from within its own citizenship.  These Warriors are the best trained, most dedicated and most versatile, for they not only are trained to kill but trained to help as well.  When non military disaster strikes, we are the first to recognize one race of people - the human race, which we send billions in aide to help.

A man I once worked with at the Lake Worth Police Dept back in the early 1980's was in the Army, and the relationship we developed then turned my heart towards all of our military.  A people, though different, united in purpose, dedicated in spirit and convicted in heart.  What an honor it has been to know him and the others who's paths have crossed.

The Christian Church in the United States is comprised of men and women, broken and whole, black and white, young and old, of different beliefs, thoughts, motives and political affiliations, etc., and that is the problem.  Rather than being "Children of The King" we are people separated by denominations, ethnicity, economics and doctrines.  Doctrine is important, however I am talking about God's people, not the unbelievers or make believers but the believers.  As a whole our training is poor, yet we have the most incredible teachers and tools at our disposal.  The Church Body is powerless because of the sin we have let enter our lives and congregation which has separated us from The Father.  We have the biggest weapon available to all of mankind - Prayer, and don't use it like we should.  We have the Most powerful Ally sent to mankind - The Holy Spirit and we don't know how to talk with Him.

We have one group of people who would die for not only their country and the people of it, and another group who's leader is the King of All and they can't open their mouths about Him, let alone die for there faith in Him?

I am sorry to all those who never knew I was a Christian, especially to those who saw me act inconsistently with what I believe, and mostly to The Lord - please forgive me...


A repost from three years ago that spoke to me again.  I hope it does to you.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Conspiracy to remove the Priest, Provider & Protector (Part III)

Lets finish outlining the "plan" in place, that the subversives are so determined to undermine.  The last part of God's plan is the "Protector".  Whether you agree with me or not, this one should at least raise an eyebrow if not your suspicions?

The Protector (first fold)
The role of Protector started in the Garden of Eden, after Eve ate the forbidden fruit, she gives it to Adam.  The indication was Adam was present while the "serpent" was deceiving her - but he did nothing.  How to often do men do nothing when it comes to "standing up"?  and not just standing up for our families but just in general.

When we see or hear a story of a man protecting his family, we cheer him on, when we hear of a women who is without a husband having to protect her family we have pity on her (as we should).  We are equal in creation but not in position.  As I have written before; There are some things in life that my wife should never have to deal with or worry about  - because she didn't just marry a male but a Man.

What else falls under our protection?  How about "the evil one", but Ernie I don't believe in satan - that's ok he is very glad you don't.  How about the people he uses to attack your family; like drug dealers, pedophiles and all other type of predators?  well these are obvious.

How about false teachers, you know, like the people who tell you "there is no God"?

2Corinthians 11:3-4 NLT
But I fear that somehow your pure and undivided devotion to Christ will be corrupted, just as Eve was deceived by the cunning ways of the serpent.
You happily put up with whatever anyone tells you, even if they preach a different Jesus than the One we preach, or a different kind of Spirit than the One you received, or a different kind of gospel than the one you believed.

Have you ever heard; You keep hanging around with that boy and you'll end up just like him!

Proverbs 13:20-21 NLT
Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.
Trouble chases sinners, while blessings reward the righteous.

Another would be mistakes, not every mistake but a long term one.  As a matter of fact, letting your kids make mistakes is not necessarily bad - it's your bailing them out that is.  The lesson must be "CONSEQUENCES" exist for bad choices.  If they suffer them now and understand that they occur, they may be less likely to make one or maybe seek your council when not sure.

Im sure there are more and some more closer to home for you.  We will wrap this up next time.


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Conspiracy to remove the Priest, Provider & Protector (Part II)

As I began in the previous blog, I believe there is ALWAYS a conspiracy going on, and in order to explain the subversive objective to undermine what has been set in place, I must outline and explain what that plan is.  (That is one of the longest sentences I have ever written.)  We started with the Priest, and now move to the Provider.

The Provider (first fold)
Typically what comes to mind and should is family provision; such as clothes, food, shelter, emotional and educational support (Love, Encouragement & Teaching) to name a few.
1Timothy 5:8 NLT
Since those who won't care for their relatives, especially those in their own household, have denied the true faith. Such people are worse than unbelievers.

In the area I live I have meet several "men" (as far as I am concerned, the term "male" is more accurate) who don't work, don't want to work, and make their wives work to support them and their habits.  I won't even blame President Obama (not yet) for this because they have been doing this before I moved here.

Let me quickly say I am not talking about disabled men or those on retirements.  I am not stretching this by any means, these are men who hunt, drink beer and watch TV.  When I say that's all they do, I mean THAT'S ALL!  My definition of "all" is; ALL means ALL, and thats ALL it means.

However, Provision is more than a having a job.  I would use the word "Supervision" with Provision.  Supervision is "super-eyesight".  That is the  ability to chart a course (vision) for the family and sail it through, no matter what the conditions.  Being a "Pro" at providing is more than meeting financial, physical and emotional needs.  If you are really a "Pro" you should be able to see the "bigger picture" or have as we say discernment?  We need to know our families.  I can tell by a text on my phone if something is wrong with my wife and two daughters - can you?
1Peter 3:7 NLT
In the same way, you husbands must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God's gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered.

Next time you see a man who has less than you in every area but is working, pay Honor to him, for he is a man trying when so many have given up.

More to come...


Thursday, January 7, 2016

Conspiracy to remove the Priest, Provider & Protector (Part I)

First off I want to say I am only a conspiratist where there is a conspiracy.  It was not until I got older that I realized that there is ALWAYS a conspiracy!?  Before I explain let us look at a definition of conspiracy:
conspiracy: a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful, the action of plotting or conspiring.

By it's own definition it is a "secret-plan".  That means that the secret, subversive, subtle, hidden, undisclosed or hush-hush objective is to undermined the already existing plan using illegal or harmful (violent) tactics.  If this plan or objective is hidden then how exactly is it revealed?  Who is involved?  What is the objective?  Where are they located?  When did this start? Why would an individual or group want to do whatever it is they are doing?  You guys always ask great questions.

Lets start by who or what is the Priest, Provider & Protector?  The answer here is two-fold;

The Priest (first fold)
The Priest, Provider and Protector is God's calling for every man to his family.  The Priest is the man who takes the petitions of the family to God on their behalf and relays God's direction to the family, not to be confused with the Prophet who relays God's directives / commandments to the (His) peoples (typically masses).

My goal should be to help my family see their lives in light of and in the light of the gospel.  I am to lead them to Jesus, first in salvation, then in sanctification as I grow towards Jesus myself.  The tools used are prayer, Bible study, music, scripture memory, confession, and repentance.  I don't have to model perfection.  I must model forgiveness!

1Corinthians 11:3 NKJV
But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.

Lead by Leading
As the "head" of the family I lead by leading.  Example isn't a thing, it's the only thing!  The family must see me lead my self to the Lord first, if they are to follow.  I lead with praise to God and with intercession (prayer) to God.

As men, its time to stop being a bonehead, a meat head, a muscle head, an airhead or a knucklehead… do whatever it takes to be a Godly head?

More to come...
