The enemy is here and is being given safe passage by our own government. We make a nuclear deal with Iran which calls us "the great satan" and Israel "the little satan" (no cap's on purpose). Before I go into what I really want to write about, hear this; muslim's have always said they would destroy this Nation from WITHIN and they are, and in the highest office no less.
Now for what I want to focus on. After several instances of the "peaceful religion" attacking us infidels, I have read (from victims) that prior to the attacks, these people were as "normal" (whatever that is) as you and I (and I'm beginning to worry about you). There was one article in particular which interview several victims who live in heavily populated muslim areas. What I found interesting to see and hear from the "folks next door" is that these terrorist prior to these incidents were friendly, private people, most with families, and work in the communities.
This article I am referring to went onto say that it was sudden when they were attacked and that the same people described earlier became zombie like (my term) during the attacks and when it was over, the same people helped the victims they created. I find that behavior quite bazaar.
We can blame guns, religion, drugs, but we never get to the root - evil. It's origin is satan, the fallen one. Satan’s fall from heaven is described in Isaiah 14:12-14 and Ezekiel 28:12-18. These passages are referring to the kings of Babylon and Tyre, they reference the spiritual power behind the kings, which is satan.

This is just my humble opinion, but if this Demon Switch is as I call it, a real phenomenon, it can explain why organization's like the FBI did not have Abdulazeez "on their radar." For that matter, how many other's that we have no outward clue about are waiting for the Demon Switch to go off?
Just one of my wild thoughts...
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Thank you for your input - ernie