The other day I was talking with one of my children and the old statement came to mind; Put your money where your mouth is. When I was growing up and would put money in my mouth my mother would yell at me; Get that out of your mouth, it is FILTHY! You don't know who's hands that has been in? Now my Bride tells the children to wash their hands after handling money because of the very same reasons.
Now I understand what the statement means, however most don't because I still see adults doing the same thing - but that's for another time. When this old adage came to mind (I didn't speak it aloud) I realized it was missing a major Organ - the Heart?
It is said many people miss Salvation by about 12-18 inches. This adage means that many have "Head Knowledge" of who Jesus is but no "Heart Knowledge". The head knowledge is know different than I know who George Washington is, but have no personal knowledge of the man we call, The Father of our Nation. This type of belief is not Faith (Hebrews 11:1)
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
True Faith is not Fire Insurance (protection from Hell), but Eternal Assurance (Everlasting Life)!

I say when God moves the 12-18 inches from our Head to our Heart, we will know it because YOU will move another 18-24 inches to your wallet in your back pocket and show it! So don't put your money where your mouth is but put it where your Faith is?
Jesus didn't come to fix our Hearts and make us "better", He came to give us NEW Hearts, (Psalm 51:10) Create in me a clean (NEW) heart oh God... With our Heads we think, with our Hearts we believe and when the two come together we KNOW! What do you KNOW?
Merry CHRISTmas (Ezekiel 36:26)
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