This particular segment is written with the help of Jeff Deaver,
XTREME Christian Outdoors founder, my Associate Pastor, my son's Father-in-law and most of all, my friend.
In continuing with our Deception Series, this is about two things every one should own;
a Bible and a Gun! Now before you start jumping on me for not excluding certain groups, the need for exclusion or inclusion should become apparent. I am saying this world-wide and not just about our nation also. Further, not just any Bible (although most will do) but preferably a Study Bible, and not just any gun (most will work) but an AR style rifle. OH man I can hear the subversives now - AN ASSAULT WEAPON! We will deal with your ignorance a little later.

The Deception with a Bible and Gun is that owning them alone, is not good enough. The gun (whatever it is) needs ammunition, understand of how it works and training. The reason I picked
"the most popular" (BATF) is because it is the closest to a military style weapon readily available to the public, at least our public still. It is the governments job to protect the Country and our Allies. It is law enforcements job to enforce the laws, however it is your responsibility to protect you, your family and your home. Law enforcement does this indirectly, and as a former Law Enforcement Officer, as about as good as we can under the circumstances.
The more you want, whether federal or local, military or police, to take over YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, the more power you lose and the more power they gain. The reality is that (and this is going to shock some of you) there are several within our government whom you need to protect yourselves from! That's right, seemingly most show little to no character and several are just plain crooks or congressmen or whatever you call them. You said president, I agree.
The reason for gun owner ship is so that an armed and responsible public posses a deterrent, a threat, or to instill fear, to the government - instead of what we have today (and many others have always had) and that is a government who posses a threat and is feared by the public. My former supervisor and friend, Bill Testa says;
Our job is to keep honest men honest. I would add;
And dishonest men no place to hide!
"The AR-15, which designates a rifle platform, not a specific manufacturer's model, remains a controversial weapon. Why? Many people mistakenly believe that "AR" stands for "assault rifle." In reality, the AR-15 is a semiautomatic rifle, which means it fires one round with each pull of the trigger. True assault rifles are fully automatic weapons, such as machine guns, that have been primarily restricted from civilian ownership since 1934." (BATF)

Now for the Bible.
There is power in the book, but it is not in the book, it is within the book. The Bible contains the word of God and the words of God. It is a spiritual book, which means you must have the right ammunition to receive it's power. The power starts with Salvation (Romans 8:5-11). Once you receive the Holy Spirit, then you can begin to understand the Bible (1 Corinthians 2:5-12). A society that exhibits ungodliness is the worst place to live, (Galatians 5:19-21) full of crime, lazy people, wrong doings, wicked leaders - sound familiar? A society that exhibits Godliness is the best place to live (Galatians 5:22-26). This also answers any issues about certain people owning weapons. Look at the traits God has spelled out for us and you decide?
Have the government fear you (the public) or you fear them - time to choose...
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Thank you for your input - ernie