If you have been keeping up with this Series, you know from the previous blog that Mr Sleaze (as I named him because I couldn't remember it) made two major statements in an interview with Sean Hannity on Patriot Radio. The first we discussed in the last blog Deception Series: They Would Do It Anyway, now I want to address his other statement which was; It is no longer illegal. Mr Sleaze was referring to "Adultery". The context was that Mr Sleaze admitted that "most people that cheat get caught" and that "the cheated suffers great pain". Hannity then commented that Mr Sleaze has made hundreds of millions of dollars off this pain, and then questioned Mr Sleaze's moral compass. He replied that there was no conflict since he was only providing a service and not the one actually doing the adulterous act (yet), and that it was no longer illegal and how antiquated that Moral law was.
By know some of you must have at least an inc-ling of where I am going or coming from? I hear the "world" (you may need me to define that) saying; It isn't illegal to have an affair and those laws where outdated. Further, a common statement made by the "world" is; You can't legislate morality. I myself have used that statement in the past, ignorantly I may add. I have two responses to the fore mentioned:
1. You can't legislate morality, HOWEVER, you can legislate immorality! (Romans 2:15) We are at an alarming rate - look at how homosexuality is SHOVED down our throats! Heaven help us if I "Bible Thump" you with God's Word though?
2. Laws are never designed to legislate morality, they are designed to show our sinful nature or immorality. The law convicts us of our sins, all of them, mine and yours. When we are constantly convicted (reminded) of our sin sick rebellious nature and how it offends a Holy, Righteous God - someone has to give and it won't be God (Deuteronomy 27:26). Jesus Himself tells us that the Law has not been changed, modified, repealed, rescinded or reversed (Mat 5:17).
It's simple, where did those laws on the books, that had to do with morality come from? If you said God's Laws (Joshua 1:7-8), ding ding ding - YOURRR RIGHT! So when we don't like something and we are not going to change - we change the law (Proverbs 28:4). These laws that we have changed because of their ties to morality which stems from God's Laws is direct evidence to God's existence! He bothers you so bad, instead of doing what God tells us to do, our sinful state of being condemns us and tries to remove all evidences of Him. YOU CAN NOT REMOVE WHAT IS NOT FIRST THERE!
I call it The Legality Deception because we think that simply making something that was illegal suddenly legal, we are excused from consequences and responsibility (Deuteronomy 4:2). This is what we have done with Abortion. You can't kill 53 million babies, thats 53,000,000+ children and expect God to Bless America, no matter how much you say it. God's word tells us that following His Laws will bring peace and prosperity (Psalm 119:165, Proverbs 13:14). Conversly, if we reject His Laws, what do you suppose our consequences will be (Proverbs 28:9)?
Blessings??? Sadly, only to some of you...
By know some of you must have at least an inc-ling of where I am going or coming from? I hear the "world" (you may need me to define that) saying; It isn't illegal to have an affair and those laws where outdated. Further, a common statement made by the "world" is; You can't legislate morality. I myself have used that statement in the past, ignorantly I may add. I have two responses to the fore mentioned:
1. You can't legislate morality, HOWEVER, you can legislate immorality! (Romans 2:15) We are at an alarming rate - look at how homosexuality is SHOVED down our throats! Heaven help us if I "Bible Thump" you with God's Word though?
2. Laws are never designed to legislate morality, they are designed to show our sinful nature or immorality. The law convicts us of our sins, all of them, mine and yours. When we are constantly convicted (reminded) of our sin sick rebellious nature and how it offends a Holy, Righteous God - someone has to give and it won't be God (Deuteronomy 27:26). Jesus Himself tells us that the Law has not been changed, modified, repealed, rescinded or reversed (Mat 5:17).

I call it The Legality Deception because we think that simply making something that was illegal suddenly legal, we are excused from consequences and responsibility (Deuteronomy 4:2). This is what we have done with Abortion. You can't kill 53 million babies, thats 53,000,000+ children and expect God to Bless America, no matter how much you say it. God's word tells us that following His Laws will bring peace and prosperity (Psalm 119:165, Proverbs 13:14). Conversly, if we reject His Laws, what do you suppose our consequences will be (Proverbs 28:9)?
Blessings??? Sadly, only to some of you...
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Thank you for your input - ernie