Thursday, February 14, 2013

Who Do You Follow?

Recently there have been some "changes" at the church Carey and our family have been attending as members for the past ten years.  The "why" of these changes is not the focus of this blog.  I do want to address a common response to my family's position.  With both of our Pastors resigning (for their respective reasons), and some personal issues my Bride and I have had for the past ten months, we chose to step back from our service as teachers to re-evaluate what God wants for us.  This has been difficult for several reasons; however we are still members, but seeking God's personal guidance for "us".  The response to this is what I want to talk about.
(2Corinthians 13:5 MSG)
Test yourselves to make sure you are solid in the faith. Don't drift along taking everything for granted. Give yourselves regular checkups. You need firsthand evidence, not mere hearsay, that Jesus Christ is in you. Test it out. If you fail the test, do something about it.

Now I am not a "Message" paraphrase friend.  In other words, I don't care for this version of the Bible because it is a paraphrase and not a translation.  On top of it I am taking this paraphrase of scripture out of the context it is in.  Now it is referring to Salvation (genuine faith) first, then Ambassadorship second (growth and fruit bearing). Carey and I are secure in our Salvation and desire to grow - we have not arrived by any means.  The principle I am focusing on here is "self examination" and the reason I chose the Message version is Give yourselves regular checkups.  We are giving ourselves a checkup.  Part of my checkup has revealed that I am currently a hinderance to the Worship Service.  I also realize I may never be able to teach at church if we are directed to stay.  More importantly than all of that is I realize I am partially responsible for what has happened!  This is the most unsettling discovery of my checkup.

I want to say that this is not directed at any one individual, but can be beneficial if and unfortunately "when" this happens to some of you.  I have been contacted by people whom have asked, "What is going on at our church?"  Because my family has had personal issues besides the Pastor's leaving, I tell those that call that we can not give out any information, as we don't want to influence anybody in any direction - we ourselves don't know what direction God has for us yet.  Naturally our timing and decision to step back has not been viewed favorably and I can completely understand.  Some close friends feel abandoned and others let down while I am sure some are glad.  They just don't understand and that is ok because I understand their feelings.

My son came home one day and told me he heard someone say (he would not reveal and I did not push - better off I don't know) That those who leave were not here for the right reasons in the first place and that you don't follow a man.  Now as spiritual as this sounds, it is in reality childish or ignorant.  Let me explain - you may disagree.
"Sometimes the church that seems the perfect fit doesn't want to try us on. And sometimes the church that seems wrong turns out to be ever so right. A call to a specific church can be as mysterious as a call to ministry."
—Ed Bratcher

That statement is referring to the "calling" of a Pastor to a specific church, but I do believe God makes His will known as to where we are to attend.  You might say, "Ernie, why would you be called away to another church?"  That is a great question and the focus of this part.  To say someone didn't belong here (didn't have right reasons) in the first place presumes that they (whoever they are) know God's will for you (or in my case - me) better than I do?  I suppose people who are very close to me might be able to see God's will clearer at "times" because of "clouds" in my life. Clouds are things like emotions, stress and relationships that draw me away from God.  That is a possibility and we should recognize it as just that - a possibility.  In our case Carey and I are like minded in this issue.

Lastly, the statement, "You don't follow a man".  I disagree - we follow the God-Man.  If the Pastor doesn't follow God, we don't follow him.  If the Church doesn't follow God, we don't follow it.  We follow Christ and His leading.
(John 12:26 NKJV)
If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor.

Who or whom do you follow?  Why?


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Thank you for your input - ernie