Thursday, November 29, 2012

Who Is to Blame for President Obama?

by Wretched on Wednesday, November 7, 2012 at 5:20pm

Little Johnny just threw a rock through his neighbor’s window.  Is the broken window the problem? No, it is a result of Johnny’s actions.  What caused Johnny’s behavior? Johnny thought it would be fun to smash ol’ Mrs. Hildebrand’s window.  Where did Johnny’s thinking come from? His beliefs; instead of believing his parents, he believed that rotten friend of his who goaded Johnny to, “Throw it, throw it.”

Bad results come from bad actions which are the fruit of bad thinking which is the result of bad beliefs.  If you ever witness a bad result, you can be assured that it is merely a consequence of bad actions, thinking and ultimately, beliefs.

That is why President Obama is a problem, but he is not the problem.  THE problem in America today is the church.  Permit me to persuade you.

If a liberal church focusses on the environment, who are they inclined to vote for?

If a progressive church defines marriage as “anyone who is committed to another person,”  do you suppose they will vote red or blue?

If a prosperity church focusses on healing and free money from God, who do you think they will pull the lever for?

Surprise, liberal, progressive and prosperity churches voted overwhelmingly for Barak Obama. Why? They are bad churches with bad teachers delivering false teachings resulting in heretical beliefs which inspire wrong actions that deliver horrific consequences.

Might I suggest, if we want to reclaim America we had better reclaim the churches first.  

The result of strong, healthy, Biblical churches is strong healthy faith which changes rotten thinking into righteous thinking which produces holy behavior generating good consequences.  If you don’t like the results of this election, don’t blame Mitt, the Republican Party or Chris Christie.  Blame the church.

But don’t stop there.  Instead of abandoning ship, doing home church or church shopping every Sunday, dedicate yourself to a local church to: fix it, serve it, fund it, cleanse it, help it, support it or reform it if necessary.  If we focus less on Washington and more on our local churches, the nation will be better off.

Please note: we should not clean up our churches in order to have more conservative political leaders, but that will ultimately be the result of strong, healthy local churches.  Besides, Christian church activism is what Jesus commanded, not political activism.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Thank You to Two Veteran's Inparticular

It is Veteran's Day 2012 and I wanted to say THANK YOU to all our Vet's and ALL the United States MILITARY, both whom have served and are serving and have giving the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE of their LIVES!


On this day I could recognize my Dad, Father-in-Law, my oldest son Josh and several friends, however I just wanted to mention quickly two men whom served our Nation on two fronts;
First, both served (at different times) in The military as protectors of our Nation abroad.
Second, both served as protectors of our Communities as Law Enforcement Officers.

The first is Barry Trombley:  I met Barry at the Lake Worth Police Dept after he returned from serving in the Army.  Barry was big, loud and opinionated - I took to him immediately!  Through Barry I began to appreciate and love the men and women of our Armed Forces.  After working, watching and listening to him I realized I had missed a great opportunity to serve my country when I got out of school.  Barry was one of the best street cops I have ever met and had a heart as big as he was.

Next is Wayne Smith:  I met Wayne shortly after coming to the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office.  We worked together on the afternoon shift, and soon became close.  Wayne used to back me up a lot at work and to this day (both of us retired), Wayne still "has my back"!  He is a true Decorated Hero and loyal to this Nation and me.

I couldn't write about all whom served, but I just had to mention these two.  If it wasn't for both of them, I might not of made it to write this...

To the men and women of the United States Armed Forces, I love you and am honored to have known some of you.

Be Blessed today my friEND's to the end

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What We Escape to Holds us Captive

It's Election Night 2012 in America and I was finishing my workout when I began to talk with the Lord.  I had prayed sporadically about this election and direction our nation was headed today and just started up a conversation with God again.  I asked Him what was keeping His people from a more dedicated life of seeking His Will, not just for our country but our lives?  Then the Lord revealed to me that I try to escape from the difficult things, circumstances, pains, times, persecutions or their perceptions.  I was self medicating!

People have been "self medicating" themselves with drugs an alcohol since their development.  What most don't realize is that the "average christian" also self medicates, we just use music, food, politics, sports, exercise, television, work and fellowship just to name a few.  There is nothing inherently evil about any of those mentioned, HOEWEVER...  I have been tricked into wanting to try and escape from or get some relief from my life around me when I should be running to the One who can deliver me from not just my circumstances, but the fear and apprehension they produce.

My escape is science fiction tv.  A century ago most of the distractions we use as people, whether of faith or not, did not even exist.  My Bride Carey, asked me the other day if I did not have Caleb (our youngest) to care for during the day, what would I do with myself?  I thought for a few moments and said I would volunteer at our church.  Whether I would or not is not the point.  The point is that I have been duped into putting more obstacles in the way of my relationship with God.  I haven't been escaping from my problems, my problems have taken me captive and I, again, have proven to be my biggest enemy.
(Eph 4:8 NKJV)

"Led captivity captive"; Through His crucifixion and resurrection, Christ conquered Satan and death, and in triumph returned to God those who were once sinners and prisoners of Satan.    John MacArthur

Rom 6:20-23 NLT
When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the obligation to do right.
And what was the result? You are now ashamed of the things you used to do, things that end in eternal doom.
But now you are free from the power of sin and have become slaves of God. Now you do those things that lead to holiness and result in eternal life.
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.

Do you want to be SET FREE?
