South African Mission Trip: "Arrival"
Since I am unable to speak or write about our trip at this time, I am copying writings from our Youth Pastor Scotty Jarrard;
As many of you already know, we returned back home safely late last night. Once again, I want to Thank You All for your prayers and support. Over the next couple of days, we are going to do our best to explain to you everything that God aloud us to experience. There are part that will be hard to talk about and descride but, we will do our best. So, here we go!
The morning that we arrived in Cape Town was a very rainy and dreary day. It was amazing how just a few minutes before we landed how the sun was justs starting to rise above the clouds and all was beautiful. But, as soon as we got off the plane, you could tell that the rest of the day was not going to be as beautiful as the sunrise we had just seen.
Once we got through
all the passport checks, costums checks, and the fearce border dog (A Beagle) sniffing around our luggage, we were greeted by one of the most beautiful sites of the whole trip, Corina Anne Spinazzola. When I saw her, it all started to rush back to me. Everything from the first time I met Corina and Colton was making fun of her last name (which I hear is still normal), to the last day that I seen Corina, a young woman determined to do what God had told her to do, as we left the airport. I have never been so proud before in my life. Here is this young woman standing before who has sacrificed everything that she knows as home, to go and take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a area where even though she knew a couple of people, she had no real friends and family there. Then it hit me, "she is doing this, she is really doing this and now, I get the chance to stand side by side with one of my students of 4 years and I get to be a part of her ministry now." I never really understood the role that God aloud me to play in her until this moment. Even though she is not my daughter, at that moment, I knew how it felt to be a dad who had watched his little girl grow up into one of the most Godly women I know.

This is harder than I thought, I will write more a little later.
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Thank you for your input - ernie