1. God: The One and Only - needs no introduction if you know Him. If you don't, use your brain and look around - yes He made all that.
2. dizzy funbuckets: he has had many names and uses many more people. Sadly, most don't know. Discernment needed here! He is very prideful and smart as a serpent. He looks for people to deceive with his haughty high talk. Make sure you have your armor on.
3. Mike: a common noble name. Without much thought (not difficult for me) I identified six (number of man?) "Mikes" as friends, seven (God's complete number?) if I count my former Police K-9 Mike from over twenty five years ago.

Ernie, what is this all about? Hang on I'm getting there - your so impatient. I need to say the "needless to say" stuff first. When we were young and made up games and such, who made the rules to them? The person who made up the game of course! It is always important to find out what or who's game you are playing so you get the rules right? Furthermore, you are free to believe any lie you want, especially the one about denying God. I completely understand why you would not want to even believe He exists, as foolish as that is.

You see Mike, I would want to deny Him too, especially if I didn't want to "play by His rules" or even acknowledge those rules exist. Why it would mean I will have to answer for my all my thoughts, words, actions and intentions? That is scary! I really do understand. I will let you in on a little secret - we all will answer for those things and the ones I didn't mention. The difference is those who put there faith and trust in Him through repentance will be forgiven! and those who don't will suffer an eternal punishment.
Now some Mike's say; Ernie I am an agnostic. To which I say; (Latin word for agnostic before the 19th century was imbecile) YES YOU ARE! However a "true" agnostic would become a Christian. Why would I say that, easy, because the Bible can be and has been proven!? What? That's right, since these sixty six books, written by over forty authors, is and integrated message and we know that "time" is a physical property - then The Message had to come from outside our time domain!
Lastly Mike, you ask if we could have a conversation about something / anything - politics, marriage, money and take God and The Bible out of the conversation? Of course - NOT! It would be like trying to take "air' out of breathing Brother...
This is not what I intended to write, but it is what it is, and besides - it's my Blog.
To all my Mike's - Thinking of you. Be Blessed
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Thank you for your input - ernie