Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Busted on Valentines Day

Today Carey and I took our three year old son Caleb to the Dentist.  We drove separately because I told her I needed to run "some errands" (thats code for; I got to get a card and some flowers for Valentines) after we were done.  Well I went to a local Florist with no luck - Roses are Red but most were gone!  I went to another Florist and parked right in front of the business.  We live in a very small town, population 700 (for real), so I told Caleb to lock the doors and I would see if they had any Roses.  Caleb said; ok daddee, and continued to play with my iPhone .  While I was in the store watching him the whole time, he put my phone to is ear and gave me the "thumbs-up" sign.  I went out to see what he was doing.  I asked Caleb to open the door which he did and he told me he was talking to mommy.  Caleb handed me the phone and sure enough Carey was on the phone.  She of course made me first explain why Caleb was in the truck by himself then told me that Caleb called her to tell her that daddee was buying flowers for mommy!

Not only did he tell her what I was doing, but he gave me the thumbs-up sign as he was doing it...

Happy Valentines Day

Busted by my Three Year Old



  1. Brad Curl wrote: Good times...good times. =) Happy Valentines Day!

  2. Kim Senkbeil Young wrote: Hahaha!

  3. Debbi Gray wrote: way to go Ernie, classic!!!!!!!

  4. Terri Lynn Edwards Post wrote: Awesome blog,very cute story.

  5. My flowers are gorgeous, thanks Smooch!


Thank you for your input - ernie