Earlier this year my youngest daughter was called to Africa as a missionary. Both Carey and I recognized the calling and I immediately sprung into action. I had friends who went to Africa in 1987 as missionaries and now call it home. My friends have planted almost a thousand churches and feed almost a thousand children per week.
Corina did her part, by getting her shots, passport and other necessities need for international travel. We had worked out that she would visit for three weeks from mid October to November (2011). As the time drew near to by the ticket, Lea Peters (my friends wife) emailed me not to send Corina do to political unrest. Rioting had started and gas was difficult to come by. Lea said that it would not be wise nor safe for her to come at this time. Corina was crushed.
Corina has, like me, a need to know what is going on - details details details! well God had other plans. Through a divine encounter we met Pastor Greg Matthei from South Africa. To make a long story short, Corina is heading to South Africa on January 16th, 2012 to live with the Matthei family and attend a Mission College while working in the mission field with Pastor Greg's Family. Corina thought she was going to Africa initially for three weeks and is now going for four years! God always has bigger plans than we think we are capable of.
I am writing this to solicit help. Corina needs just 25 people who would be willing to support her with just $25.00 a month for a year commitment. If you are willing, Corina has an account you can receive tax credit for. Please contact me for further details if you are able to support he in any way.
If you send me your email I can send you Corina's newsletter so you can read and subscribe to what she has been called to do.
Be Blessed this Christmas Season.
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Thank you for your input - ernie