November Newsletter!
My African Adventure..
This is my attempt to tell you the story of how I fell in love with people I've never met. These are people who live oceans away and in another continent...But where do I begin? I guess I'll start with Jesus. I love them because He loves me. Less than a year ago the Lord really began to challenge my life and the way I approached my future. I planned on going to a four year college to study Early Childhood Education and become a teacher, notice I am the one who planned that. I figured I would go to college, meet a man, get married, have kids... and live the normal American life. Too bad that's not what God had planned. It started in a small Bible study group where we studied what Christianity is made up of... and our conclusion is death. Christ calls us to die to ourselves daily, to take up our crosses, to forsake everything and give everything up that holds us back, and to follow Him. As an American, I am spoiled rotten. I have all of my needs and wants in the palm of my hand. Yet thousands upon thousands of people die daily because they are starving or sick. I love them because He loves me. Love is not just a word or emotion.. it's a force. The love of Christ compels me to go. Yes, I am called to this life, but more than that I'm commanded. So, on January 16th I will be hopping onto a plane with my one way ticket. This means I'm moving to South Africa, starting college at Cape Town Baptist Seminary in the beginning of Febuaury, living with a gracious family who has opened their home to me, ministering to different people in different places and situations, and not returning home to visit for at least 11-15 months. I'm heading into the unexpected in a new land with new people for who knows how long. I know that God is going to do amazing things. Please, I'm begging you... come with me on this adventure. :)
The LORD had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you." Genesis 12:1
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:7
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for Us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8
As of November 17th, I officially graduated from high school 7 months earlier than normal! School was getting stressful, so praise God that I am done. Woo hoo!
In August I met Pastor Greg Matthei at revival at Harmony Grove. We spoke a little and then met the next day to talk about future mission trips. My father, my youth pastor and I all stayed in communication with Pastor Greg. After just a few months of e-mailing back and forth, this man and his family opened their home to me. I will be living with them while I am in South Africa. Praise God that yet another family has demonstrated Christ's love to me through adoption. I am overwhelmed and blessed by this family! Praise God for them.
Just one week after finsihing school I received my acceptance letter from Cape Town Baptist Seminary in South Africa! Is that not exciting?! The seminary is a four year school where I will receive a bachelors degree in Missions.
Praise the Lord for my family and their support. They keep me going!
Going to school in South Africa is not a simple process. I am required to apply for a study permit, which took me over a month to complete. I sent all the paper work out on the 23rd of November. Please pray for all the processing details, that everything goes through smoothly and doesn't delay my acceptance to study in South Africa.
Pray that I spend adquate time to allow God to prepare me for this move. This is going to be an emotional transition and I need to be soaked in God's word!
As I move to another continent, I am in need of support prayerfully and financially. Ask God to send specific people into my life that will commit to praying for me and encouraging me.
Right before Christmas I will be flying to Florida to visit family. Please pray for safe travels and a peaceful visit.
Most importantly, pray that hearts would be prepared in Africa. His goal and my mission is to bring Jesus to every person I come in contact with. Pray that people would be receptive and I would walk in obedience.
I need YOU!
The reason I'm sending out monthly newsletters in the first place is so that YOU can be aware of what is going on in South Africa. It is so very important to me to know that you are praying for me and care about what is happening in South Africa. That's why I am asking you to commit to me. Firstly, I am desperate for your prayers. I realize that prayers and encouragement from my brother's and sister's in Christ is what will get me through. I depend on it! I can't stress enough how much your prayers mean to me.
Secondly, if you feel led I am asking for your financial support also. As of now I am in need of 10 monthly supporters who can commit to giving 25 dollars a month to support my schooling, ministry, and living expenses. Please consider this prayerfully. God is in control and He is our provider. I am learning more and more to trust Him no matter what, and I know He will provide for all my needs. If God impresses upon you to become a monthly supporter, please reply to this e-mail or contact me. I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support.
Upcoming dates to remember:
January 1: Radio Interview on 107.7 FM! @ 5:30 p.m.
January 8: Going away party @ HGBC.
January 10: Pancake dinner fundraiser @ McDonalds!
If you have any questions, comments, or would like more information feel free to reply to this e-mail. I would love to talk to you!
With love,
Corina Spinazzola
Isaiah 43:1-4
Wake up! Strengthen what little remains for it is about to die, I Am is not finished with you yet. Revelation 3:2
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Twenty Five Bucks?
Earlier this year my youngest daughter was called to Africa as a missionary. Both Carey and I recognized the calling and I immediately sprung into action. I had friends who went to Africa in 1987 as missionaries and now call it home. My friends have planted almost a thousand churches and feed almost a thousand children per week.
Corina did her part, by getting her shots, passport and other necessities need for international travel. We had worked out that she would visit for three weeks from mid October to November (2011). As the time drew near to by the ticket, Lea Peters (my friends wife) emailed me not to send Corina do to political unrest. Rioting had started and gas was difficult to come by. Lea said that it would not be wise nor safe for her to come at this time. Corina was crushed.
Corina has, like me, a need to know what is going on - details details details! well God had other plans. Through a divine encounter we met Pastor Greg Matthei from South Africa. To make a long story short, Corina is heading to South Africa on January 16th, 2012 to live with the Matthei family and attend a Mission College while working in the mission field with Pastor Greg's Family. Corina thought she was going to Africa initially for three weeks and is now going for four years! God always has bigger plans than we think we are capable of.
I am writing this to solicit help. Corina needs just 25 people who would be willing to support her with just $25.00 a month for a year commitment. If you are willing, Corina has an account you can receive tax credit for. Please contact me for further details if you are able to support he in any way.
If you send me your email I can send you Corina's newsletter so you can read and subscribe to what she has been called to do.
Be Blessed this Christmas Season.
Corina did her part, by getting her shots, passport and other necessities need for international travel. We had worked out that she would visit for three weeks from mid October to November (2011). As the time drew near to by the ticket, Lea Peters (my friends wife) emailed me not to send Corina do to political unrest. Rioting had started and gas was difficult to come by. Lea said that it would not be wise nor safe for her to come at this time. Corina was crushed.

I am writing this to solicit help. Corina needs just 25 people who would be willing to support her with just $25.00 a month for a year commitment. If you are willing, Corina has an account you can receive tax credit for. Please contact me for further details if you are able to support he in any way.
If you send me your email I can send you Corina's newsletter so you can read and subscribe to what she has been called to do.
Be Blessed this Christmas Season.
Friday, December 16, 2011
SuperVision v. SuperVisor?
I picked up my youngest daughter Corina, from work today and she was very upset at her "Supervisor". She went onto say that the last few days this particular person was just barking out orders without even knowing what the worker bees were or had done. Corina told me that it is frustrating when this "Supervisor" keeps telling her to do something that she has already completed and that he is not paying attention because he is to busy socializing. This reminds me of a story I heard or read about twenty years ago. The facts may be a little fuzzy but the story is true:
One harsh winter during the American Revolution group of soldiers came upon a very large fallen tree. This tree was blocking a road used for supply delivery. I believe it was a Sergeant who mustered his men to get on each side of the tree and the supervisor yelled orders to lift the tree. The men struggled due to the weight of the tree. The supervisor continued to yell; put your backs into it! Another soldier walked up upon the scene and when he saw what was going on, he ran to help. The supervisor continued to bark at the men who with the help of the last soldier barely were able to pick the tree up and move it out of the way. Once the tree was moved the last soldier removed his hood to reveal that he was General George Washington. Immediately everyone stood at attention. General Washington turned to the supervisor and said; instead of trying to supervise with his mouth, he needed to lead with his back!
`George Washington had "SuperVision": Super Eyesight! The ability to see in all directions. A SuperVisor has a "visor"; Visors are used to shield the view from light from above? HELLO. Did you just get what I wrote??? Supervisor's have poor vision and since like produces like, they promote the people like them.
The question is not if your have supervision but what is your Super-Vision? Well Ernie, I am not over anyone to have supervision. My response would be you First then your Family! I told my oldest daughter Breana many years ago that reading and writing and arithmetic are important but our family vision needs to be that we all finish together. The only way to finish together is for us all to get to heaven. Now that is a Super-Vision for my family!
This Christmas examine you vision for your family, and if it is not, you can make it a Super-Vision. It will start with you.
Merry Christmas, Love
BTW, He is not a baby but a King of Kings!
One harsh winter during the American Revolution group of soldiers came upon a very large fallen tree. This tree was blocking a road used for supply delivery. I believe it was a Sergeant who mustered his men to get on each side of the tree and the supervisor yelled orders to lift the tree. The men struggled due to the weight of the tree. The supervisor continued to yell; put your backs into it! Another soldier walked up upon the scene and when he saw what was going on, he ran to help. The supervisor continued to bark at the men who with the help of the last soldier barely were able to pick the tree up and move it out of the way. Once the tree was moved the last soldier removed his hood to reveal that he was General George Washington. Immediately everyone stood at attention. General Washington turned to the supervisor and said; instead of trying to supervise with his mouth, he needed to lead with his back!
`George Washington had "SuperVision": Super Eyesight! The ability to see in all directions. A SuperVisor has a "visor"; Visors are used to shield the view from light from above? HELLO. Did you just get what I wrote??? Supervisor's have poor vision and since like produces like, they promote the people like them.
The question is not if your have supervision but what is your Super-Vision? Well Ernie, I am not over anyone to have supervision. My response would be you First then your Family! I told my oldest daughter Breana many years ago that reading and writing and arithmetic are important but our family vision needs to be that we all finish together. The only way to finish together is for us all to get to heaven. Now that is a Super-Vision for my family!
This Christmas examine you vision for your family, and if it is not, you can make it a Super-Vision. It will start with you.
Merry Christmas, Love
BTW, He is not a baby but a King of Kings!
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