If you have been reading the news, conservatives (people who cling to the ideals and values of our founders) have been labeled "son's of bitches" and "terrorists" by the labor unions and Vice President Biden. WOW, what has happened to our Nation? How is it that as a nation so many have been deceived to have elected (when history plays out) a muslim and quite possibly an illegal alien as the top ranking official in this country. All of this occurring while we are at war with islam and have a constant issue with illegal aliens pouring into this country and our top ranking official is fighting against those trying to stop the flow. HELLOOOOO, is anybody awake???
NOTE: By the way, we are not at war with islamic extremist - these so called "extremist" are practicing the muslim religion. The ones who say that islam is peaceful and that is what they practice are either liars or don't know there own religion. This shouldn't surprise anyone, even in this country many people think they are christians and have no clue that they aren't...
I am very concerned for my former Law Enforcement brothers and sisters. When the people are either fed up with the government or engaging in large group criminal behavior (rioting) then who bears the brunt of that fury? The Police! Why, because we are the visible arm of the government. Most people wouldn't recognize their congress official, a supreme court justice or even the vice president - but they know that police car and uniform! Not only are the Police expected to Serve and Protect (that is backwards by the way) but then we have to bear the brunt of violence for the actions of our so called leaders. I wonder if they were rocked and bottled if they might be more responsible.
Rioting is both illegal and rebellion. The Bible says "rebellion" is as the sin of witchcraft? I do however support "revolution" which is what this country was founded with - not rebellion. Sadly though, if it comes to revolution, the police will be the ones found in the middle still - Lord Help us I pray.
Ephesians 6:12 NLT For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
Make sure you have The Whole Armor of God on! If you don't know what that is - please contact me.
NOTE: By the way, we are not at war with islamic extremist - these so called "extremist" are practicing the muslim religion. The ones who say that islam is peaceful and that is what they practice are either liars or don't know there own religion. This shouldn't surprise anyone, even in this country many people think they are christians and have no clue that they aren't...
I am very concerned for my former Law Enforcement brothers and sisters. When the people are either fed up with the government or engaging in large group criminal behavior (rioting) then who bears the brunt of that fury? The Police! Why, because we are the visible arm of the government. Most people wouldn't recognize their congress official, a supreme court justice or even the vice president - but they know that police car and uniform! Not only are the Police expected to Serve and Protect (that is backwards by the way) but then we have to bear the brunt of violence for the actions of our so called leaders. I wonder if they were rocked and bottled if they might be more responsible.
Rioting is both illegal and rebellion. The Bible says "rebellion" is as the sin of witchcraft? I do however support "revolution" which is what this country was founded with - not rebellion. Sadly though, if it comes to revolution, the police will be the ones found in the middle still - Lord Help us I pray.
Ephesians 6:12 NLT For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
Make sure you have The Whole Armor of God on! If you don't know what that is - please contact me.
UPDATE: I wrote this blog over two years ago and it is more accurate today. There is a Traitor sitting in the White House who needs to be held accountable!
Well said and well written, Ernie! Truth supported with scripture. It doesn't get any plainer or better than that! Hopefully, people will, as you say, "Wake up, stand up, and look up!"
ReplyDeleteAnd thank you for pointing out the vulnerability and lack of respect and gratitude for LEO. You are so right! People should be serving them with their support and protecting them with their prayers for safety!
As for your test question, I'll have to think on that some more. It's still early AM for me. Lol
Great blog.