One in particular was my first day as a Freshman, I remember this one, I was standing at my new locker on the Southeast corner of the school with a few friends from grammar school when Mary Larson walked towards me. First let me tell you about Mary, she was a Junior and Captain of the Pom Pom Team. Mary had slamming red hair and was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Mary was the sister of Tim Larson whom I had played little league baseball fort years with. I only remember seeing Mary at one game, but that was all it took. Tim teased me when he saw how star struck I was. Back to the first day, Mary walked right up to me and and said "Hi Ernie" (she knew my NAME!!!!!!!) and planted a kiss on my lips and a big hug right in front of all my friends. I couldn't speak, nor could my friends. I didn't wash my face or bathe for days. I didn't bathe much back then anyway, I just went longer.
That was my first day, in contrast to a young lady I know from our church whom has committed her life to Jesus Christ our Lord this summer. When she saw her girlfriends which she hadn't seen all summer they ridiculed her upon finding out about her knew found faith. They called her names every time they saw her throughout the day and gave her mean looks and made fun of her.
Now if you are some one reading this saying; "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me." You are either an idiot or a fool! That little rhyme we learned as kids is one of the biggest lie perpetrated on people. Our jails and penitentiaries are filled with men and women who heard little to know love or affection and a lot of ridicule.
The young lady I spoke of cried here self to sleep in her mothers arms. Thank God Almighty for providing you loving parents if you had them. If you did not He is willing to be your loving Father.

John 15:18-25
How did YOU fall asleep last night?
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Thank you for your input - ernie