"Allah is our objective; the Prophet is our leader; the Quran is our law; Jihad is our way; dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope." Motto of Muslim Brotherhood
The lie that Islam is the most peaceful of all religions has been brainwashed into our society, yet, who are the police in all other non-muslim nations targeting at airports? Not Christians, not Jews, who? But our President tells us that Bin Laden killed muslims and was not one. WHAT? Muslims have been killing each other for thousands of years!
My father was born in Tabriz Iran. He is not Iranian but Assyrian (Persian). Ancient Persia encompassed Iran, Iraq and Turkey. Those of you who have studied your Old Testament Bible, know that the Assyrians where a very wicked people whom God used to punish Israel. Much later many of the Assyrians became Christians. At one time there were about 200,000 in Iran, now only approx 50,000 remain from being slaughtered at the hands of the muslims.
I said all that to say this; I learned at a very early age that it was a "feather in a muslims cap to kill a jew or christian". The death of one of them ensured entrance to paradise. I remember at a very early age, a former muslim doctor (now a Christian) reiterating this to me.
Recently on "In the Market" with Janet Parshall, she had a former muslim whom had converted to Christianity and was now a missionary to the muslim community. The gentleman who's name I forgot said that it is not radical muslims committing these acts but true muslim believers. I (ernie, me) believe that many muslims are like many so called christian americans - PLAIN IGNORANT to there so called beliefs. Let me explain. About 95 million people (thats million as in lots) claim to be christians in this nation of ours according to Barna Research Group. That of course is a JOKE! Our nation would look incredibly different. The reality is that there is probably 9 - 11 million actual Biblical Born-Again Christians (there is no other kind by the way - read your Bible) in the USA. So, who are the others? I always say that church contains believers, un-believers and make-believers (impostors). People who are "christian" by birth in the US (ethnicity). I believe it is the same for many many muslims. If what I said is true then the true muslim followers are a threat.
Let me say this, that we should not go around hating and killing like the Koran teaches just because people have different beliefs, But we should learn to understand our enemy!
Beat me up all you want, BUT, our President wouldn't acknowledge that because he is muslim in my book!
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