In 2009 the defense budget and Social Security combines for $1 trillion 318 billion or about 70% of all taxes collected. In a book written by Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes about the hidden costs of our current war titled; The Three Trillion Dollar War, they concluded that it costs the United States about $1 million per year per soldier to send to Iraq or Afghanistan. Now, I believe in a strong defense and in what we were sent to do, however, I need to point out the costs and show how they relate to bigger and bigger government. Everyone must concede, war costs in many ways whether we like it or not.
Governments grow when war occurs. More soldiers, more equipment, more facilities, more money to make it happen all funded by the American people and orchestrated by the US government. So what you say, our nation learned early on that in order to grow the government, which means more power, wars were needed, but not necessarily military wars?
Social wars and political wars could do the same thing! The War on Poverty, War on Crime, War on Drugs, War on Terror, War on Afghanistan, War on Iraq and now the War on Libya. All these wars still have casualties and require the government to come to the rescue. I submit that these wars are created on purpose to cause greater governmental control and less freedoms! Further, the Presidents appoint Czar's to each of these wars, who answer to him alone. I am telling you that the power pulling the strings does not want these wars to end!? Who is this power? Do you know?
WOW, Ernie you have gone off the deep end. No, what is happening is setting up the fall of our nation to global economy. We are losing our identity as a free capitalistic nation and moving towards socialism. It is happening as we speak with national health care. Think people, why would we kill babies in the womb? For awhile now the mothers have been experiencing medical issues as a result but the government refuses to acknowledge them. Who funds abortion clinics?
Wilfred J Hahn, a global economist writes; that real essence behind global financial trends are spiritual issues and the affections of the human heart...
Sadly, more to follow
Wake up! Strengthen what little remains for it is about to die, I Am is not finished with you yet. Revelation 3:2
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
"The Coming Economic Armageddon"
It is with great trepidation that I write this series of blogs on the state of our Nations economy. My reference material is Dr David Jeremiah's book; The Coming Economic Armageddon, What Bible Prophecy Warns about the New Global Economy. This is not a series on doom for our nation but hope for its people!
Lets start...
Most of us know who Bernie Madoff is, a reminder that he is know as the greatest swindler of Wall Street to date. Madoff did this by cheating his investors, friends and even family out of $65 billion (that's billion with a B) dollars using a "Ponzi Scheme".
Before I get to far ahead of myself, let me remind you of the difference between a million and a billion (some of you may remember me teaching this 15 to 20 years ago);
If you spend $20,000 a week for fifty weeks, then take a two week vacation to equal one year - you would have spent $1 million.
If you spend $20,000 a week, in the third week of the fifth month of the 961 year you would have spent $1 billion! That is with no vacation either...
Ok, lets get back. About eighty years ago, Charles Ponzi was considered the greatest swindler of all times. Ponzi would promise his clients 50 - 100% returns on their investments in as little as 45 - 90 days. He was charged with over 80 counts of mail fraud, spent three and a half years in prison, was deported back to Brazil and later died in a charity hospital. To this day, a "Ponzi Scheme" is the term used for any scam which pays early investors with money from later ones.
The greatest Ponzi Scheme is not from Bernie Madoff but from our own government, it is called the Social Security Act! Started by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1935, it was designed to give every American a retirement at age 65. Congress over the years has amended the program to include more benefits at a cost of over $1 trillion (that's TRILLION). Don't ask me how many Millenia it would take to spend $20K per week.
This unfunded entitlement program takes in a lot of money, however it is not protected in a trust fund and consequently spent elsewhere. It is a Ponzi Scheme: new contributors fund the political promises made to the older contributors.
Edmund Andrews, New York Times economics reporter writes;
The problem, many analysts say, is that record government deficits have arrived just as the long-feared explosion begins in spending on benefits under Medicare and Social Security. The nation’s oldest baby boomers are approaching 65, setting off what experts have warned for years will be a fiscal nightmare for the government. “What a good country or a good squirrel should be doing is stashing away nuts for the winter,” said William H. Gross, managing director of the Pimco Group, the giant bond-management firm. “The United States is not only not saving nuts, it’s eating the ones left over from the last winter.”
Dr Jeremiah writes: How long before the system collapses under its own ever increasing weight?
Stay tuned friends - ernie
Lets start...
Most of us know who Bernie Madoff is, a reminder that he is know as the greatest swindler of Wall Street to date. Madoff did this by cheating his investors, friends and even family out of $65 billion (that's billion with a B) dollars using a "Ponzi Scheme".
Before I get to far ahead of myself, let me remind you of the difference between a million and a billion (some of you may remember me teaching this 15 to 20 years ago);
If you spend $20,000 a week for fifty weeks, then take a two week vacation to equal one year - you would have spent $1 million.
If you spend $20,000 a week, in the third week of the fifth month of the 961 year you would have spent $1 billion! That is with no vacation either...
Ok, lets get back. About eighty years ago, Charles Ponzi was considered the greatest swindler of all times. Ponzi would promise his clients 50 - 100% returns on their investments in as little as 45 - 90 days. He was charged with over 80 counts of mail fraud, spent three and a half years in prison, was deported back to Brazil and later died in a charity hospital. To this day, a "Ponzi Scheme" is the term used for any scam which pays early investors with money from later ones.
The greatest Ponzi Scheme is not from Bernie Madoff but from our own government, it is called the Social Security Act! Started by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1935, it was designed to give every American a retirement at age 65. Congress over the years has amended the program to include more benefits at a cost of over $1 trillion (that's TRILLION). Don't ask me how many Millenia it would take to spend $20K per week.
This unfunded entitlement program takes in a lot of money, however it is not protected in a trust fund and consequently spent elsewhere. It is a Ponzi Scheme: new contributors fund the political promises made to the older contributors.
Edmund Andrews, New York Times economics reporter writes;
The problem, many analysts say, is that record government deficits have arrived just as the long-feared explosion begins in spending on benefits under Medicare and Social Security. The nation’s oldest baby boomers are approaching 65, setting off what experts have warned for years will be a fiscal nightmare for the government. “What a good country or a good squirrel should be doing is stashing away nuts for the winter,” said William H. Gross, managing director of the Pimco Group, the giant bond-management firm. “The United States is not only not saving nuts, it’s eating the ones left over from the last winter.”
Dr Jeremiah writes: How long before the system collapses under its own ever increasing weight?
Stay tuned friends - ernie
Friday, May 6, 2011
Show Me The Pictures!
I am told that the President wont release pictures of bin laden because of the graphic nature, possible misuse of them, and out of respect not to incite any extra violence (also he didn't want to "spike the ball" which is what he has been doing since the incident). Believe it or not, I actually agreed with the President - then I came to my senses!
The attack was on America as a whole, let adults decide if the pictures are to graphic. As for the misuse - there will be if they are shown and even if there not there will be statements that bin ladens death is fabricated. The part about inciting violence - most of the world looks and yields to perceived strength. We as a nation appear weak because we can not stomach graphic war pictures or dead bodies. MOST OF ALL I CAN NOT RESPECT SOME ONE WHO ATTACKS OUR NATION!!! Why in the world did we even try to do a ceremonial burying of bin laden? His victims don't get them! Bin laden is garbage and should have been treated as same, besides that is how he treats infidels.
Now Ernie, your previous post is in conflict with this one? NO IT IS NOT! Bin laden wants to meet Allah and now he will spend eternity with him. The One and Only God Jehovah is not Allah!
Exodus 20:2-3 KJV I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
When anyone attacks our God, our Nation, our Way of Life; Those pictures need to be plastered all over the internet. You mess with us, this is what you get!!!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Bin Laden is Dead and I am Glad!
Now hold on, before you start screaming USA USA, I don't agree with "Christians" who say; I hope he rots in hell! I am glad he is dead, but, I am never glad when anyone goes to the place created for satan (I refuse to use capital "s") and his demons. I do believe that bin laden's death is righteous and God's will according to Romans 13.
I am only talking to Christians here. Do you know two greater tragedies than bin laden's attack?
1. Those who died from the attack that were not saved, are in the same place bin laden is.
2. Those who chant USA USA, that reject God's Son Jesus, and what he did for us ALL, will end up in the same place as bin laden.
As Christians we must remember:
2 Peter 3:9 NIV The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
I am only talking to Christians here. Do you know two greater tragedies than bin laden's attack?
1. Those who died from the attack that were not saved, are in the same place bin laden is.
2. Those who chant USA USA, that reject God's Son Jesus, and what he did for us ALL, will end up in the same place as bin laden.
As Christians we must remember:
2 Peter 3:9 NIV The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
Lord, please return your Hand to our nation and continue to protect our soldiers and our shores. In the Name above all names, Jesus The Christ.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
The Gas Price Hypocrisy
The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America . Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.
Unknown from Czech Republic
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Bin Laden Dead, Islam Still A Threat!
"Allah is our objective; the Prophet is our leader; the Quran is our law; Jihad is our way; dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope." Motto of Muslim Brotherhood
The lie that Islam is the most peaceful of all religions has been brainwashed into our society, yet, who are the police in all other non-muslim nations targeting at airports? Not Christians, not Jews, who? But our President tells us that Bin Laden killed muslims and was not one. WHAT? Muslims have been killing each other for thousands of years!
My father was born in Tabriz Iran. He is not Iranian but Assyrian (Persian). Ancient Persia encompassed Iran, Iraq and Turkey. Those of you who have studied your Old Testament Bible, know that the Assyrians where a very wicked people whom God used to punish Israel. Much later many of the Assyrians became Christians. At one time there were about 200,000 in Iran, now only approx 50,000 remain from being slaughtered at the hands of the muslims.
I said all that to say this; I learned at a very early age that it was a "feather in a muslims cap to kill a jew or christian". The death of one of them ensured entrance to paradise. I remember at a very early age, a former muslim doctor (now a Christian) reiterating this to me.
Recently on "In the Market" with Janet Parshall, she had a former muslim whom had converted to Christianity and was now a missionary to the muslim community. The gentleman who's name I forgot said that it is not radical muslims committing these acts but true muslim believers. I (ernie, me) believe that many muslims are like many so called christian americans - PLAIN IGNORANT to there so called beliefs. Let me explain. About 95 million people (thats million as in lots) claim to be christians in this nation of ours according to Barna Research Group. That of course is a JOKE! Our nation would look incredibly different. The reality is that there is probably 9 - 11 million actual Biblical Born-Again Christians (there is no other kind by the way - read your Bible) in the USA. So, who are the others? I always say that church contains believers, un-believers and make-believers (impostors). People who are "christian" by birth in the US (ethnicity). I believe it is the same for many many muslims. If what I said is true then the true muslim followers are a threat.
Let me say this, that we should not go around hating and killing like the Koran teaches just because people have different beliefs, But we should learn to understand our enemy!
Beat me up all you want, BUT, our President wouldn't acknowledge that because he is muslim in my book!
The lie that Islam is the most peaceful of all religions has been brainwashed into our society, yet, who are the police in all other non-muslim nations targeting at airports? Not Christians, not Jews, who? But our President tells us that Bin Laden killed muslims and was not one. WHAT? Muslims have been killing each other for thousands of years!
My father was born in Tabriz Iran. He is not Iranian but Assyrian (Persian). Ancient Persia encompassed Iran, Iraq and Turkey. Those of you who have studied your Old Testament Bible, know that the Assyrians where a very wicked people whom God used to punish Israel. Much later many of the Assyrians became Christians. At one time there were about 200,000 in Iran, now only approx 50,000 remain from being slaughtered at the hands of the muslims.
I said all that to say this; I learned at a very early age that it was a "feather in a muslims cap to kill a jew or christian". The death of one of them ensured entrance to paradise. I remember at a very early age, a former muslim doctor (now a Christian) reiterating this to me.
Recently on "In the Market" with Janet Parshall, she had a former muslim whom had converted to Christianity and was now a missionary to the muslim community. The gentleman who's name I forgot said that it is not radical muslims committing these acts but true muslim believers. I (ernie, me) believe that many muslims are like many so called christian americans - PLAIN IGNORANT to there so called beliefs. Let me explain. About 95 million people (thats million as in lots) claim to be christians in this nation of ours according to Barna Research Group. That of course is a JOKE! Our nation would look incredibly different. The reality is that there is probably 9 - 11 million actual Biblical Born-Again Christians (there is no other kind by the way - read your Bible) in the USA. So, who are the others? I always say that church contains believers, un-believers and make-believers (impostors). People who are "christian" by birth in the US (ethnicity). I believe it is the same for many many muslims. If what I said is true then the true muslim followers are a threat.
Let me say this, that we should not go around hating and killing like the Koran teaches just because people have different beliefs, But we should learn to understand our enemy!
Beat me up all you want, BUT, our President wouldn't acknowledge that because he is muslim in my book!
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