Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Daddy, Can You Pick?

Not that long ago I was in "Toys are Us" with my son Charlie.  Surrounded by every imaginable toy and game known to the planet earth we strolled the isles of this gargantuan metropolis of scintillating and fascinating items that could keep even the most boring of people entertained. 
Charlie, armed with a ferocious enthusiasm, joy, excitement and  some cheddar (money) from his birthday was well equipped to make a decision or two in this house of joyful toys. His beaming confidence was soon and surprisingly overridden by the enormous complexity of choices.  His facial expressions soon went from happy and excited to confusion, frustration and anxiety. 
After letting him travel the isles a few more times and seeing his level of frustration increase, I was then surprised by these words "daddy can you pick"?  I said "sure son" and I did.... and now Charlie wore a new expression on his little face and that expression spelled relief.  I know my son very very well and I knew exactly what toy that would bring him the most joy, and in fact it did for some time.  
I immediately started thinking about my relationship with Abba and how I used to be just like Charlie in that I would be frustrated in trying to pick from the multitude of life's decisions.  I, like Charlie have learned in recent times to ask Abba " Daddy, can you pick"? Even in the smallest of decisions, I no longer carry the burden of having to make decisions and hence the frustration and anxiety that goes along with it. 

The above story was written by Scott Peranio of Hobe Sound Florida.  "Scotty" is a personal friend of one of my friends, Kevin Bair (read that sentence twice if you are slow).  Kevin told me that there is deep truth in what Scotty wrote about his son, and not just for Charlie, but for all of us.

Kevin and I believe that dating was never God's plan.  When someone dates, both people only see a short window of what the other is actually like.  Even I can behave for a short period of time so others can't see my true nature.  Some people like me, a lot don't and most could care less.  What gets me is that  those closest too me, who really know me such as; my wife, Mike Ohm, Frank Baker, Kevin Bair, Jack Strenges, Tommy Greene, Brian Dunne - and they still like me!?  Go figure?  Heck, my own family is not thrilled with me...

Looking back on the relationships above, I didn't chose them and they certainly would not of picked me without the help of the Holy Spirit.  Mike has known me for 45 years and still calls me Brother, even though I have let him and his family down - why, why does he put up with me?  I have different things in common with the friends I have mentioned, However, there is one thing I have in common with them all - JESUS!

My Heavenly Father knows exactly what I need and gave me them!  Some people add to your life and some people subtract while others multiply and still others divide?  My wife and those men multiply my life!

Limit your time with those who subtract from you and stay a way from those who divide your life...

It is my prayer that all believers can learn this simple and liberating phrase; Daddy can you pick
Scott Peranio

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