Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Exposing Global Warning, Part II by Erik Kamber

American Pulitzer Prize-winning syndicated columnist and political commentator, and physician Charles Krauthhammer once said “science that explains everything, explains nothing.”  

He said this in response to the claims of Global Warming believers who declared that a brutal 2010 winter storm was the result of Global Warming.  He was pointing out the absurdity of their ever changing claims.

I would add that if we can blame everything on global warming then why have a debate?  All weather, good or bad can be blamed on Global Warming.  Also, how do we know when we have conquered Global Warming?  When is the problem fixed?  After all, weather patters are cyclical in nature and most Global Warming believers are going on computer data for the last 40 years.  What about the thousands of years prior and will happen in the future?

One of the driving factors of global warming is not the fact that it exists but the fact that there is millions of dollars in research grants given out to see if it exists.  With all the money floating out there, it is just too tempting not to perpetuate the myth of global warming so they can fatten their wallets.

It is also a way that the United Nations can try and manipulate the redistribution of wealth from nations such as the United States.  The U.N. has long been an anti American, anti Israeli and anti democracy organization but that is a blog for another time.

I will even as far to say that for some global warming is their god, it is their religion.  In absence of The One who is and always was in their lives, they are easily led astray by false gods and wrong teachings.

More to come in part three…

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