November Newsletter!
My African Adventure..
This is my attempt to tell you the story of how I fell in love with people I've never met. These are people who live oceans away and in another continent...But where do I begin? I guess I'll start with Jesus. I love them because He loves me. Less than a year ago the Lord really began to challenge my life and the way I approached my future. I planned on going to a four year college to study Early Childhood Education and become a teacher, notice I am the one who planned that. I figured I would go to college, meet a man, get married, have kids... and live the normal American life. Too bad that's not what God had planned. It started in a small Bible study group where we studied what Christianity is made up of... and our conclusion is death. Christ calls us to die to ourselves daily, to take up our crosses, to forsake everything and give everything up that holds us back, and to follow Him. As an American, I am spoiled rotten. I have all of my needs and wants in the palm of my hand. Yet thousands upon thousands of people die daily because they are starving or sick. I love them because He loves me. Love is not just a word or emotion.. it's a force. The love of Christ compels me to go. Yes, I am called to this life, but more than that I'm commanded. So, on January 16th I will be hopping onto a plane with my one way ticket. This means I'm moving to South Africa, starting college at Cape Town Baptist Seminary in the beginning of Febuaury, living with a gracious family who has opened their home to me, ministering to different people in different places and situations, and not returning home to visit for at least 11-15 months. I'm heading into the unexpected in a new land with new people for who knows how long. I know that God is going to do amazing things. Please, I'm begging you... come with me on this adventure. :)
The LORD had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you." Genesis 12:1
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:7
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for Us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8
As of November 17th, I officially graduated from high school 7 months earlier than normal! School was getting stressful, so praise God that I am done. Woo hoo!
In August I met Pastor Greg Matthei at revival at Harmony Grove. We spoke a little and then met the next day to talk about future mission trips. My father, my youth pastor and I all stayed in communication with Pastor Greg. After just a few months of e-mailing back and forth, this man and his family opened their home to me. I will be living with them while I am in South Africa. Praise God that yet another family has demonstrated Christ's love to me through adoption. I am overwhelmed and blessed by this family! Praise God for them.
Just one week after finsihing school I received my acceptance letter from Cape Town Baptist Seminary in South Africa! Is that not exciting?! The seminary is a four year school where I will receive a bachelors degree in Missions.
Praise the Lord for my family and their support. They keep me going!
Going to school in South Africa is not a simple process. I am required to apply for a study permit, which took me over a month to complete. I sent all the paper work out on the 23rd of November. Please pray for all the processing details, that everything goes through smoothly and doesn't delay my acceptance to study in South Africa.
Pray that I spend adquate time to allow God to prepare me for this move. This is going to be an emotional transition and I need to be soaked in God's word!
As I move to another continent, I am in need of support prayerfully and financially. Ask God to send specific people into my life that will commit to praying for me and encouraging me.
Right before Christmas I will be flying to Florida to visit family. Please pray for safe travels and a peaceful visit.
Most importantly, pray that hearts would be prepared in Africa. His goal and my mission is to bring Jesus to every person I come in contact with. Pray that people would be receptive and I would walk in obedience.
I need YOU!
The reason I'm sending out monthly newsletters in the first place is so that YOU can be aware of what is going on in South Africa. It is so very important to me to know that you are praying for me and care about what is happening in South Africa. That's why I am asking you to commit to me. Firstly, I am desperate for your prayers. I realize that prayers and encouragement from my brother's and sister's in Christ is what will get me through. I depend on it! I can't stress enough how much your prayers mean to me.
Secondly, if you feel led I am asking for your financial support also. As of now I am in need of 10 monthly supporters who can commit to giving 25 dollars a month to support my schooling, ministry, and living expenses. Please consider this prayerfully. God is in control and He is our provider. I am learning more and more to trust Him no matter what, and I know He will provide for all my needs. If God impresses upon you to become a monthly supporter, please reply to this e-mail or contact me. I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support.
Upcoming dates to remember:
January 1: Radio Interview on 107.7 FM! @ 5:30 p.m.
January 8: Going away party @ HGBC.
January 10: Pancake dinner fundraiser @ McDonalds!
If you have any questions, comments, or would like more information feel free to reply to this e-mail. I would love to talk to you!
With love,
Corina Spinazzola
Isaiah 43:1-4
Wake up! Strengthen what little remains for it is about to die, I Am is not finished with you yet. Revelation 3:2
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Twenty Five Bucks?
Earlier this year my youngest daughter was called to Africa as a missionary. Both Carey and I recognized the calling and I immediately sprung into action. I had friends who went to Africa in 1987 as missionaries and now call it home. My friends have planted almost a thousand churches and feed almost a thousand children per week.
Corina did her part, by getting her shots, passport and other necessities need for international travel. We had worked out that she would visit for three weeks from mid October to November (2011). As the time drew near to by the ticket, Lea Peters (my friends wife) emailed me not to send Corina do to political unrest. Rioting had started and gas was difficult to come by. Lea said that it would not be wise nor safe for her to come at this time. Corina was crushed.
Corina has, like me, a need to know what is going on - details details details! well God had other plans. Through a divine encounter we met Pastor Greg Matthei from South Africa. To make a long story short, Corina is heading to South Africa on January 16th, 2012 to live with the Matthei family and attend a Mission College while working in the mission field with Pastor Greg's Family. Corina thought she was going to Africa initially for three weeks and is now going for four years! God always has bigger plans than we think we are capable of.
I am writing this to solicit help. Corina needs just 25 people who would be willing to support her with just $25.00 a month for a year commitment. If you are willing, Corina has an account you can receive tax credit for. Please contact me for further details if you are able to support he in any way.
If you send me your email I can send you Corina's newsletter so you can read and subscribe to what she has been called to do.
Be Blessed this Christmas Season.
Corina did her part, by getting her shots, passport and other necessities need for international travel. We had worked out that she would visit for three weeks from mid October to November (2011). As the time drew near to by the ticket, Lea Peters (my friends wife) emailed me not to send Corina do to political unrest. Rioting had started and gas was difficult to come by. Lea said that it would not be wise nor safe for her to come at this time. Corina was crushed.

I am writing this to solicit help. Corina needs just 25 people who would be willing to support her with just $25.00 a month for a year commitment. If you are willing, Corina has an account you can receive tax credit for. Please contact me for further details if you are able to support he in any way.
If you send me your email I can send you Corina's newsletter so you can read and subscribe to what she has been called to do.
Be Blessed this Christmas Season.
Friday, December 16, 2011
SuperVision v. SuperVisor?
I picked up my youngest daughter Corina, from work today and she was very upset at her "Supervisor". She went onto say that the last few days this particular person was just barking out orders without even knowing what the worker bees were or had done. Corina told me that it is frustrating when this "Supervisor" keeps telling her to do something that she has already completed and that he is not paying attention because he is to busy socializing. This reminds me of a story I heard or read about twenty years ago. The facts may be a little fuzzy but the story is true:
One harsh winter during the American Revolution group of soldiers came upon a very large fallen tree. This tree was blocking a road used for supply delivery. I believe it was a Sergeant who mustered his men to get on each side of the tree and the supervisor yelled orders to lift the tree. The men struggled due to the weight of the tree. The supervisor continued to yell; put your backs into it! Another soldier walked up upon the scene and when he saw what was going on, he ran to help. The supervisor continued to bark at the men who with the help of the last soldier barely were able to pick the tree up and move it out of the way. Once the tree was moved the last soldier removed his hood to reveal that he was General George Washington. Immediately everyone stood at attention. General Washington turned to the supervisor and said; instead of trying to supervise with his mouth, he needed to lead with his back!
`George Washington had "SuperVision": Super Eyesight! The ability to see in all directions. A SuperVisor has a "visor"; Visors are used to shield the view from light from above? HELLO. Did you just get what I wrote??? Supervisor's have poor vision and since like produces like, they promote the people like them.
The question is not if your have supervision but what is your Super-Vision? Well Ernie, I am not over anyone to have supervision. My response would be you First then your Family! I told my oldest daughter Breana many years ago that reading and writing and arithmetic are important but our family vision needs to be that we all finish together. The only way to finish together is for us all to get to heaven. Now that is a Super-Vision for my family!
This Christmas examine you vision for your family, and if it is not, you can make it a Super-Vision. It will start with you.
Merry Christmas, Love
BTW, He is not a baby but a King of Kings!
One harsh winter during the American Revolution group of soldiers came upon a very large fallen tree. This tree was blocking a road used for supply delivery. I believe it was a Sergeant who mustered his men to get on each side of the tree and the supervisor yelled orders to lift the tree. The men struggled due to the weight of the tree. The supervisor continued to yell; put your backs into it! Another soldier walked up upon the scene and when he saw what was going on, he ran to help. The supervisor continued to bark at the men who with the help of the last soldier barely were able to pick the tree up and move it out of the way. Once the tree was moved the last soldier removed his hood to reveal that he was General George Washington. Immediately everyone stood at attention. General Washington turned to the supervisor and said; instead of trying to supervise with his mouth, he needed to lead with his back!
`George Washington had "SuperVision": Super Eyesight! The ability to see in all directions. A SuperVisor has a "visor"; Visors are used to shield the view from light from above? HELLO. Did you just get what I wrote??? Supervisor's have poor vision and since like produces like, they promote the people like them.
The question is not if your have supervision but what is your Super-Vision? Well Ernie, I am not over anyone to have supervision. My response would be you First then your Family! I told my oldest daughter Breana many years ago that reading and writing and arithmetic are important but our family vision needs to be that we all finish together. The only way to finish together is for us all to get to heaven. Now that is a Super-Vision for my family!
This Christmas examine you vision for your family, and if it is not, you can make it a Super-Vision. It will start with you.
Merry Christmas, Love
BTW, He is not a baby but a King of Kings!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Penn State is asking; "Am I My Brother's Keeper?"
What should be the closing of an incredible career for Joe Paterno, turns out to be a nightmare for him, his family, Penn State, the coaching staff and the list goes on. But what about the victims? Football is a game. Did you read what I just wrote; FOOTBALL IS A GAME. Sexual abuse is a CRIME and with children, it should be a capital offense!
What happened is not a "fumble" of "Success With Honor", it is a clear confirmation of what God has always said;
Jeremiah 17:9 NLT
The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately (incurably) wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?
One way of describing the heart of man is that it is "perverse, corrupt and fatally sick". I am sickened by not only what happened to those children, but that grown men, supposed leaders, those we trust to train our younger men how to act, didn't just do nothing, but covered the incident up! I am not surprised though.
First: God our designer, knows us best. His word states many times over our need for a new heart, one without sin. He knew our dilemma from the beginning and made a way for us - if we choose it. The Way is Jesus Christ, He left heaven to be born of a virgin, lived among us and bore our sins;
1 Peter 2:24 NASB
and He Himself (Jesus) bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed.
What has happened at Penn State is not restricted to those people or location. Sin has found each and every one of us. The longer you refuse to acknowledge this truth, the more people including yourself that will be hurt.
Second: Learn this truth and never forget it! Teach this to your kids as the compass for decisions involving compromise;
Galatians 6:7 AMP
Do not be deceived and deluded and misled; God will not allow Himself to be sneered at (scorned, disdained, or mocked by mere pretensions or professions, or by His precepts being set aside.) [He inevitably deludes himself who attempts to delude God.] For whatever a man sows, that and that only is what he will reap.
I don't expect everybody to do things right, I haven't in my own life as many of you know, but when it comes to children, mine, yours and others - WE NEED TO DO THE RIGHT THING.
Matthew 19:14 KJV
(14) But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
We have a responsibility to our "brothers" and their children!
What happened is not a "fumble" of "Success With Honor", it is a clear confirmation of what God has always said;
Jeremiah 17:9 NLT
The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately (incurably) wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?
One way of describing the heart of man is that it is "perverse, corrupt and fatally sick". I am sickened by not only what happened to those children, but that grown men, supposed leaders, those we trust to train our younger men how to act, didn't just do nothing, but covered the incident up! I am not surprised though.
First: God our designer, knows us best. His word states many times over our need for a new heart, one without sin. He knew our dilemma from the beginning and made a way for us - if we choose it. The Way is Jesus Christ, He left heaven to be born of a virgin, lived among us and bore our sins;
1 Peter 2:24 NASB
and He Himself (Jesus) bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed.
What has happened at Penn State is not restricted to those people or location. Sin has found each and every one of us. The longer you refuse to acknowledge this truth, the more people including yourself that will be hurt.
Second: Learn this truth and never forget it! Teach this to your kids as the compass for decisions involving compromise;
Galatians 6:7 AMP
Do not be deceived and deluded and misled; God will not allow Himself to be sneered at (scorned, disdained, or mocked by mere pretensions or professions, or by His precepts being set aside.) [He inevitably deludes himself who attempts to delude God.] For whatever a man sows, that and that only is what he will reap.
I don't expect everybody to do things right, I haven't in my own life as many of you know, but when it comes to children, mine, yours and others - WE NEED TO DO THE RIGHT THING.
Matthew 19:14 KJV
(14) But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
We have a responsibility to our "brothers" and their children!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
"Tebowing"; It's About the Prayer, Not the Pose
When Tim Tebow, quarterback for the Denver Bronco's, made an incredible comeback in the fourth quarter of the game against the Miami Dolphins and later won in overtime, he bowed down on the field and prayed while his teammates were celebrating wildly around him. The picture has become known as "Tebowing". In a matter of a few days a website; Tebowing.Com has went from less than a thousand hits to several thousand hits and numerous submitted pictures of people copying Tebow's pose.
According to ESPN, Tim is having fun with the pics and comments via his twitter account; TimTebow. When Tebow was announced as the Bronco's starting QB, I had spoken with my oldest daughter Breana (Daddo's Little Phood) to pray for him because there are as many people who wanted him to fail as succeed. During the first half of the game against the Dolphin's Terry Bradshaw admitted on national TV that many want Tebow to fail but that he (Bradshaw) was not one of them. I was surprised to hear recognize that, let alone say it! Why is Tim Tebow under so much scrutiny? Could it be that Tebow's faith has made him a target? Did God know what He was talking about when the following scripture was inspired and written?
Ephesians 6:12 NLT
For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
When the Bronco's won that game against the dolphin's, Tebow didn't pose, he prayed and gave thanks to God. Over one hundred fifty million people in this country claim to be christians - what a joke! If that was the case many would rise up against the "attack" Tebow endures, not just because of his abilities or inabilities but primarily due to his faith. I like what one of the Dolphin players said after the game about Tebow; you better stop talking about what he (Tebow) can't do and talk about what he can do!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Dear John
This is a different kind of Dear John letter. It isn't written to John but to someone else who I will not name for their privacy. If you the reader, feel a need to figure out who this is (which wouldn't be hard) I would ask you to stop reading right here. For those of you who will continue this is a letter written to a man, from a man, about a young lady. The irony is that I have spoken to the man only a few times via email and would not know him if he was standing in front of me - yet I do know him. Here it goes;
Dear John,
Last night Carey and I went to see the movie "Courageous" which I know you previously have shown interest in seeing. John, I don't know if you have seen this movie yet or not, however I am asking, no I am begging you to see it. I must warn you however that the movie has the Holy Spirit all over it! I can only imagine the struggles you go through and have gone through. I watch you go up and down, and can tell you grow tired of it. I really wish I could help, I do.
There is a reason I am writing now, and if you have seen the movie you should begin to understand. It is for our daughter's sake I write. God and you have entrusted Carey and I with the Honor of keeping her for a short time. These last two years with her have gone by so quickly, and she is growing into a beautiful young lady.
John, I am writing this not to make you feel guilty, because quite frankly we both are guilty. I am writing this to tell you that as much as I can, I father her and treat her just as my own flesh and blood, BUT I AM NOT YOU? You see it really doesn't matter how you started in life John, silver-spoon or with no spoon, it matters how you finish! About twenty years ago I heard Dr James Dobson of Focus on The Family say; "as a father I don't have to model perfection, just forgiveness." I need to be able to give it abundantly and ask for it regularly.
John do not look back to what you have lost but look ahead to what you can have, Lord willing - and I believe He is willing, are you?
Love you Brother
This letter could have easily been titled Dear Ernie, Dear Doug, Dear Howard or Dear _____, you fill in the blank. The letter is definitely not about all of us, but still, a large number of us men...
Dear John,
Last night Carey and I went to see the movie "Courageous" which I know you previously have shown interest in seeing. John, I don't know if you have seen this movie yet or not, however I am asking, no I am begging you to see it. I must warn you however that the movie has the Holy Spirit all over it! I can only imagine the struggles you go through and have gone through. I watch you go up and down, and can tell you grow tired of it. I really wish I could help, I do.
There is a reason I am writing now, and if you have seen the movie you should begin to understand. It is for our daughter's sake I write. God and you have entrusted Carey and I with the Honor of keeping her for a short time. These last two years with her have gone by so quickly, and she is growing into a beautiful young lady.
John, I am writing this not to make you feel guilty, because quite frankly we both are guilty. I am writing this to tell you that as much as I can, I father her and treat her just as my own flesh and blood, BUT I AM NOT YOU? You see it really doesn't matter how you started in life John, silver-spoon or with no spoon, it matters how you finish! About twenty years ago I heard Dr James Dobson of Focus on The Family say; "as a father I don't have to model perfection, just forgiveness." I need to be able to give it abundantly and ask for it regularly.
John do not look back to what you have lost but look ahead to what you can have, Lord willing - and I believe He is willing, are you?
Love you Brother
This letter could have easily been titled Dear Ernie, Dear Doug, Dear Howard or Dear _____, you fill in the blank. The letter is definitely not about all of us, but still, a large number of us men...
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Who's Your Daddy?
A few days ago my parents came over for a visit. My father asked me if I was following any of the debates and whom I was interested in. I told dad that I was for anyone running against Obama. After a few moments I retraced that statement, here's why?
After I made the above statement, I told my dad I did not like Mitt Romney. My mother gasped and asked why. He is a mormon I said. My mother turned to my father and asked if that was true and my father replied in the affirmative. (I could write a blog on the last sentence alone - but will continue). My mom turned back to me and then said; so what, he is a conservative. Mormonism is a cult and a very dangerous one I believe was my response. Now I am going to tell you the rest of this out of order because I think you will gain a better understanding of where I am coming from.
I do not believe that this election (2012) has anything to do with political ideologies as most of the previous elections, but has more to do with Good v. Evil? To me, since President Reagan (the greatest president in my lifetime) each election went from this idea verses that idea to character, to faith, to principles, to our founding fundamentals. Ironically our Founding Fathers are documented as men of Character, Faith and Principles! We have removed God from our schools and replaced Him with abortion, crime, STD's, condoms, drugs and kids killing kids and we wonder why our country looks the way it does!? We have moved so far away from our roots that even some one of no faith can sense the evil lurking over our nation.
I asked my dad who Mr Romney's father was and he began to tell me Mr Romney's fathers name and occupation. I stopped my father and asked who is (Romney's) Spiritual Father is? God my father replied. Jesus said in John 14:9b Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father! Both of my parents were familiar with that scripture and actually finished it for me as I spoke it. I then told my folks that if you have a false image of Jesus Christ the Son, then you have a false image of God the Father. If you are worshiping this false image then you are worshiping a false god! Since their is only One True God, then every other is false and of satan.
John 8:19 NLT "Where is Your father?" they asked. Jesus answered, "Since you don't know who I am, you don't know who My Father is. If you knew Me, you would also know My Father."
John 8:38 NLT I am telling you what I saw when I was with My Father. But you are following the advice of your father."
You see, I told my Dad, it does't matter if the person is a right wing conservative or a left wing subversive muslim socialist (I think you get what I am trying to say), if they are not a Blood bought Born Again Child of God - their daddy is the Devil! We have all heard that the devil dresses in sheep's clothing!? As Good and Evil become the main struggle for our Nation, I wonder what clothing satan is putting on these days to keep his deception strong?
Who's your daddy my friends?
After I made the above statement, I told my dad I did not like Mitt Romney. My mother gasped and asked why. He is a mormon I said. My mother turned to my father and asked if that was true and my father replied in the affirmative. (I could write a blog on the last sentence alone - but will continue). My mom turned back to me and then said; so what, he is a conservative. Mormonism is a cult and a very dangerous one I believe was my response. Now I am going to tell you the rest of this out of order because I think you will gain a better understanding of where I am coming from.
I do not believe that this election (2012) has anything to do with political ideologies as most of the previous elections, but has more to do with Good v. Evil? To me, since President Reagan (the greatest president in my lifetime) each election went from this idea verses that idea to character, to faith, to principles, to our founding fundamentals. Ironically our Founding Fathers are documented as men of Character, Faith and Principles! We have removed God from our schools and replaced Him with abortion, crime, STD's, condoms, drugs and kids killing kids and we wonder why our country looks the way it does!? We have moved so far away from our roots that even some one of no faith can sense the evil lurking over our nation.
I asked my dad who Mr Romney's father was and he began to tell me Mr Romney's fathers name and occupation. I stopped my father and asked who is (Romney's) Spiritual Father is? God my father replied. Jesus said in John 14:9b Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father! Both of my parents were familiar with that scripture and actually finished it for me as I spoke it. I then told my folks that if you have a false image of Jesus Christ the Son, then you have a false image of God the Father. If you are worshiping this false image then you are worshiping a false god! Since their is only One True God, then every other is false and of satan.
John 8:19 NLT "Where is Your father?" they asked. Jesus answered, "Since you don't know who I am, you don't know who My Father is. If you knew Me, you would also know My Father."
John 8:38 NLT I am telling you what I saw when I was with My Father. But you are following the advice of your father."
John 8:44 NLT For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character
; for he is a liar and the father of lies.
You see, I told my Dad, it does't matter if the person is a right wing conservative or a left wing subversive muslim socialist (I think you get what I am trying to say), if they are not a Blood bought Born Again Child of God - their daddy is the Devil! We have all heard that the devil dresses in sheep's clothing!? As Good and Evil become the main struggle for our Nation, I wonder what clothing satan is putting on these days to keep his deception strong?
Who's your daddy my friends?
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Does Your Perception Look Like Your Reflection?
The following was inspired by my Pastor and friend, Stacy Dyer. The names have been changed to keep me from looking foolish.
As a former Law Enforcement Trainer we would talk about perception all the time. The most common statement was; Perception is reality. We would talk about case law and personal experiences supporting this. As time passed I realized that my perception about a lot of things was not correct. Let me explain by telling another story from my early years in Law Enforcement.
Once upon a time in early January 1982 a young patrolman by the name of Hime Yenkil was working the midnight shift. I would have used the name Joe Bagofdonuts - but he was working that night also. The night crew was Ed "Don't tell me what kind of day to have" Riddle, Jimmy "I'm pumping ethyl" Sherrill, Bob "My p/a doubles as a Lie Detector" Walton, Mark "Monotone" Lewis and none other than our Supreme Commander, Sgt Jack "Don't ever let me catch you doing what Ed & Jimmy do" Garson. He told me to call him Captain Midnight when addressing him. I grew to love Jack, um, I mean in virile manly sort of way - like a father - hows that.
One dark night at about 3:30am I was sitting in a parking lot doing paper work when two young girls (about 21 years of age) ran up to my car screaming and crying. I (I mean Officer Yenkil) immediately exited my car and threw my cape over my shoulder asking how I could be of assistance. Light emanated from behind me, outlining the silhouette of my body and gave the appearance of flames glistening off the top of my head as a slight breeze blew my cape in the air behind me. As it turns out the light was from my flashlight which I accidentally turned on when I got out of the car. Anyway, the girls told me a white male in his mid twenties was making strange sounds and tried to coax them into an alley where they feared he would try to rape them. He was waving something which they thought was a gun and that is when they ran and found me a few blocks away. I took there names and phone numbers (for professional reasons of course) and with the deepest voice I could muster said; I'll handle this. Then got into my patrol car and drove north bound on Dixie Hwy singing aloud: Here I come to save the day da dah.
About four or five blocks away I saw the suspect they described walking northbound on the west side of the street. He was later id and Bob Wickbar (name slightly changed to make you think). I pulled up onto the sidewalk behind Wickbar with my bright lights on. I exited my car and and told Wickbar (whom had stopped walking) to turn around and put his hands up slowly. Wickbar did nothing but look around at the closed business to his left - totally ignoring me. I said again in a deep and louder voice; Turn around and put your hands in the air! Again Wickbar refused to comply. I did a quick inventory of me in my uniform, my now drawn gun and my police cruiser - the car looked good, my gun looked good and I looked real good in my uniform but nothing good was happening? Just then Wickbar turned and saw me. He reached for a long metal object from his waist-band and began to draw it. I saw a shiny black metal object with a long barrel - it was a GUN! I remember thinking I haven't been cop two months and I am going to have to shoot someone. I had used the door of my patrol car as cover, however as I started to pull the trigger of my revolver, I stepped away from the door. Just as my weapon was about to discharge I saw that the object Wickbar was drawing was not a gun but a flashlight!? I pointed my gun into the air, but it was to late - it had fired and Wickbar fell to the ground dropping the flashlight.
Officer Sherrill had been down the street and saw everything. He drove up at which time I was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane and talking so fast in a high pitched voice, Sherrill thought I had drank a Big Gulp Espresso. Officer Sherrill slapped me three times and told me to get a hold of myself. I think he liked hitting me because I calmed down after the first slap but he did it two more times. He said later it was for good measure? I thought of actually shooting Jimmy for hitting me, but I was already so upset from killing one person I didn't think shooting another would make me feel better. Officer Sherrill told me Wickbar was not dead and that I didn't even shoot him!?
After completely settling down I began to Reflect on what happened. I told you my perception now let me tell you what actually happened. Bob Wickbar is a deaf mute. When I pulled up behind him the lights from my patrol car illuminated the closed business he was walking in front of. It was about 3:30 in the morning which made him stop to see why the business lit up. When Wickbar realized the light was coming from behind him he turned to see what it was. When he turned around my bright lights were blinding him so he was pulling out his light to flash me back as if to say turn your brights off. When I (I mean Officer Yenkill) stepped away from the car door he saw a policemen pointing a gun at him. Wickbar stumbled backwards and tripped over the curb dropping his light just as I thought my gun went off - it never discharged. Hey, what do you want. I haven't even gone to the academy at this point. When Captain Midnight, I mean Sgt Garson asked me if I thought I could handle it? I wasn't going to say no!?
Looking back my perception of me and this situation was nothing like the actual reflection of what happened. I had looked at myself as RoboCop, but in actuality I reflected Barney Fife.
On a final note; about fifteen years after this incident, I was on my home after teaching a night class at the Police Academy. I was approaching the crest of an overpass and slightly exceeding the speed limit when as I came to the top, there was Wickbar riding his bicycle in my lane coming at me. I remember leaning closer to the steering wheel not believing what I was seeing. In an instant I screamed like a little school girl and slammed on the brakes turning my car sideways, watching him fall over as I skid past him thinking I just hit him! When my car came to a stop, my heart was pounding and I was sweating, remembering that first incident all over again, I saw him pick his bike up from the curb he hit and ride away. I kept thinking; I should have shot him when I had the chance...
As a former Law Enforcement Trainer we would talk about perception all the time. The most common statement was; Perception is reality. We would talk about case law and personal experiences supporting this. As time passed I realized that my perception about a lot of things was not correct. Let me explain by telling another story from my early years in Law Enforcement.
Once upon a time in early January 1982 a young patrolman by the name of Hime Yenkil was working the midnight shift. I would have used the name Joe Bagofdonuts - but he was working that night also. The night crew was Ed "Don't tell me what kind of day to have" Riddle, Jimmy "I'm pumping ethyl" Sherrill, Bob "My p/a doubles as a Lie Detector" Walton, Mark "Monotone" Lewis and none other than our Supreme Commander, Sgt Jack "Don't ever let me catch you doing what Ed & Jimmy do" Garson. He told me to call him Captain Midnight when addressing him. I grew to love Jack, um, I mean in virile manly sort of way - like a father - hows that.
One dark night at about 3:30am I was sitting in a parking lot doing paper work when two young girls (about 21 years of age) ran up to my car screaming and crying. I (I mean Officer Yenkil) immediately exited my car and threw my cape over my shoulder asking how I could be of assistance. Light emanated from behind me, outlining the silhouette of my body and gave the appearance of flames glistening off the top of my head as a slight breeze blew my cape in the air behind me. As it turns out the light was from my flashlight which I accidentally turned on when I got out of the car. Anyway, the girls told me a white male in his mid twenties was making strange sounds and tried to coax them into an alley where they feared he would try to rape them. He was waving something which they thought was a gun and that is when they ran and found me a few blocks away. I took there names and phone numbers (for professional reasons of course) and with the deepest voice I could muster said; I'll handle this. Then got into my patrol car and drove north bound on Dixie Hwy singing aloud: Here I come to save the day da dah.
About four or five blocks away I saw the suspect they described walking northbound on the west side of the street. He was later id and Bob Wickbar (name slightly changed to make you think). I pulled up onto the sidewalk behind Wickbar with my bright lights on. I exited my car and and told Wickbar (whom had stopped walking) to turn around and put his hands up slowly. Wickbar did nothing but look around at the closed business to his left - totally ignoring me. I said again in a deep and louder voice; Turn around and put your hands in the air! Again Wickbar refused to comply. I did a quick inventory of me in my uniform, my now drawn gun and my police cruiser - the car looked good, my gun looked good and I looked real good in my uniform but nothing good was happening? Just then Wickbar turned and saw me. He reached for a long metal object from his waist-band and began to draw it. I saw a shiny black metal object with a long barrel - it was a GUN! I remember thinking I haven't been cop two months and I am going to have to shoot someone. I had used the door of my patrol car as cover, however as I started to pull the trigger of my revolver, I stepped away from the door. Just as my weapon was about to discharge I saw that the object Wickbar was drawing was not a gun but a flashlight!? I pointed my gun into the air, but it was to late - it had fired and Wickbar fell to the ground dropping the flashlight.
Officer Sherrill had been down the street and saw everything. He drove up at which time I was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane and talking so fast in a high pitched voice, Sherrill thought I had drank a Big Gulp Espresso. Officer Sherrill slapped me three times and told me to get a hold of myself. I think he liked hitting me because I calmed down after the first slap but he did it two more times. He said later it was for good measure? I thought of actually shooting Jimmy for hitting me, but I was already so upset from killing one person I didn't think shooting another would make me feel better. Officer Sherrill told me Wickbar was not dead and that I didn't even shoot him!?
After completely settling down I began to Reflect on what happened. I told you my perception now let me tell you what actually happened. Bob Wickbar is a deaf mute. When I pulled up behind him the lights from my patrol car illuminated the closed business he was walking in front of. It was about 3:30 in the morning which made him stop to see why the business lit up. When Wickbar realized the light was coming from behind him he turned to see what it was. When he turned around my bright lights were blinding him so he was pulling out his light to flash me back as if to say turn your brights off. When I (I mean Officer Yenkill) stepped away from the car door he saw a policemen pointing a gun at him. Wickbar stumbled backwards and tripped over the curb dropping his light just as I thought my gun went off - it never discharged. Hey, what do you want. I haven't even gone to the academy at this point. When Captain Midnight, I mean Sgt Garson asked me if I thought I could handle it? I wasn't going to say no!?
Looking back my perception of me and this situation was nothing like the actual reflection of what happened. I had looked at myself as RoboCop, but in actuality I reflected Barney Fife.
On a final note; about fifteen years after this incident, I was on my home after teaching a night class at the Police Academy. I was approaching the crest of an overpass and slightly exceeding the speed limit when as I came to the top, there was Wickbar riding his bicycle in my lane coming at me. I remember leaning closer to the steering wheel not believing what I was seeing. In an instant I screamed like a little school girl and slammed on the brakes turning my car sideways, watching him fall over as I skid past him thinking I just hit him! When my car came to a stop, my heart was pounding and I was sweating, remembering that first incident all over again, I saw him pick his bike up from the curb he hit and ride away. I kept thinking; I should have shot him when I had the chance...
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Americans Have Short Memories - Too Short!

The Mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg is not inviting any religious leaders to take part in the ceremony nor are New York's Finest (Police & Fire) welcome. This is the man who wants the ceremony to be "areligious", yet supports a mosque be built near the sight. WHAAAAAAT???
Didn't we learn what happened when we took prayer out of school, removed the Ten Commandments from the walls of our institutions? What do you mean you don't know - your living in the mess it left upon us! And the 'left" is still upon us and sadly always will until His return. That however should not keep us from doing what is RIGHT...
I feel like the man who stands on the street corner with a sign on his front and back that says: The End of Times is Near! Notice, not the end of time, but the end of times as we know them. Could this be the last wake-up call God is issuing to this nation?
Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of Billy Graham and founder of AnGel Ministries is hosting a simulcast of Sunday evening, September 11, 2011. I would encourage you - believer or not to watch and or listen.
A Wake Up Call for God's People with Anne Graham Lotz and Joel Rosenberg from AnGeL Ministries on Vimeo.
2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT
Then if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.
Monday, September 5, 2011
My Early Days in Law Enforcement - Very Early!
Since my brothers and sisters of the Lake Worth Police Dept were reminiscing about the old days it made me think of a story that will be 30 years old this December (my very early days).
I started on December 14th, 1981 and since the police academy didn't start until mid January, I was sent from division to division to get a feel of what each did. My second week into my new career I received my uniforms. The following day I spent an hour putting on my new uniform only to later discover I had been diagnosed with terminal NCS (New Cop Syndrome)!
After spending two weeks in the different divisions, the powers to be assigned me to start riding with Road Patrol. Each day I was put with a different Police Officer. Most of the time I just kept my mouth shut and watched, however on the third day I was assigned to Officer Stewart "Clint" Winterson. As I walked out to the "Sally Port" there stood Clint, a man about 6'4" with a muscular build. He had a days worth of growth on his face and smoked a stubby short cigar. He had a round hat and was wearing a poncho. Officer Clint oozed with confidence and coolness. He stood with a slight lean and tapped his trigger finger on his holster. I noticed he was carrying a .44 magnum with a 10" barrel! I walked up to him and swallowed hard, then introduced myself. Clint (as he had me call him) looked down at me and squinted his eyes - I wasn't sure if I was suppose to bow or open the door for him. In a raspy deep voice he pulled out the cars keys and tossed them at me and said; You can drive. I CAN DRIVE I said to myself, a real PO-lice Car. I think I even giggled like a little school girl as I skipped to the drivers side of the car.
The car as I recall was different than all the rest of the squad cars, which only makes sense since Clint was different than all the rest of the cops too. The car was jet black and reminded me of the BatMobile with a super-charger sticking out of the hood. As I started the the car I could feel the power right through the steering wheel. Clint said; Let's roll. I took one last look at myself in the rear view mirror and winked, then drove off.
Now it was shift change and the night shift was rolling in as the day shift was rolling out. We had only driven two blocks and hadn't checked in-service on the radio when I heard the three alert tones come over the radio. My heart started to pound and sweat rolled down my temple. I heard the dispatcher say: any unit in the area of ____ and ____ a signal 4 (accident) with injuries, respond code 3. CODE 3, could it be that on my first day driving I was going to go CODE 3!!! I started turning on everything I could, first the windshield wipers, car stereo, headlights, a/c to max, finally I found the emergency lights and siren as I floored the gas pedal. Clint, realizing I was driving in the wrong direction asked me where I was going and I responded by shouting; I don't know! (but I was determined to get there and fast - real fast) Suddenly I heard this loud noise in my right ear; PULL OVER NOW! As I pulled the car over I spent the next ten minutes trying to turn everything off while Clint yelled up and down at me. I told him all I heard was "signal 4, code 3". Clint made me get out and put me in the back of the patrol car, he might of even handcuffed me - I don't remember. It seemed like I rode back there for hours. Later he allowed me to sit in the passenger seat as long as I didn't touch anything or speak, oh and I had to buy him lunch also.
Well, that was on a Friday and I had the weekend off to feel super embarrassed about what I did. On Monday I slithered into the Police Station expecting to get laughed at by everyone including the janitor. No one said anything, my secret was safe. I was assigned to another officer that day. I saw Clint in the Sally Port, he looked at me then looked away. I suddenly saw him in a different light - like he had an extreme make-over. He was wearing a uniform like all the others, no round cowboy-hat or poncho and was even carrying a .38 revolver like the rest. His face was clean shaven, no short cigars. I noticed he was thinner and not quite as muscular (maybe he fasted over the weekend I thought) and he was not as tall as before - that was probably because he was now wearing those shinny black police shoes instead of his big boots with the spurs on them.
Speaking of those spurred boots, I remember Clint stopping this criminal and grabbing him by the neck and lifting him off the ground. Clint was strong. Anyway, he dragged the perp into an alley and interrogated him for a few minutes. Clint had his spurs at the perp's neck. I thought he was going to cut his throat from ear to ear. All I can say is that nine year old boy will think twice about not wearing his helmet while riding his bike.
Thanks for the memories Clint ur I mean Stew.
I started on December 14th, 1981 and since the police academy didn't start until mid January, I was sent from division to division to get a feel of what each did. My second week into my new career I received my uniforms. The following day I spent an hour putting on my new uniform only to later discover I had been diagnosed with terminal NCS (New Cop Syndrome)!
After spending two weeks in the different divisions, the powers to be assigned me to start riding with Road Patrol. Each day I was put with a different Police Officer. Most of the time I just kept my mouth shut and watched, however on the third day I was assigned to Officer Stewart "Clint" Winterson. As I walked out to the "Sally Port" there stood Clint, a man about 6'4" with a muscular build. He had a days worth of growth on his face and smoked a stubby short cigar. He had a round hat and was wearing a poncho. Officer Clint oozed with confidence and coolness. He stood with a slight lean and tapped his trigger finger on his holster. I noticed he was carrying a .44 magnum with a 10" barrel! I walked up to him and swallowed hard, then introduced myself. Clint (as he had me call him) looked down at me and squinted his eyes - I wasn't sure if I was suppose to bow or open the door for him. In a raspy deep voice he pulled out the cars keys and tossed them at me and said; You can drive. I CAN DRIVE I said to myself, a real PO-lice Car. I think I even giggled like a little school girl as I skipped to the drivers side of the car.
The car as I recall was different than all the rest of the squad cars, which only makes sense since Clint was different than all the rest of the cops too. The car was jet black and reminded me of the BatMobile with a super-charger sticking out of the hood. As I started the the car I could feel the power right through the steering wheel. Clint said; Let's roll. I took one last look at myself in the rear view mirror and winked, then drove off.

Well, that was on a Friday and I had the weekend off to feel super embarrassed about what I did. On Monday I slithered into the Police Station expecting to get laughed at by everyone including the janitor. No one said anything, my secret was safe. I was assigned to another officer that day. I saw Clint in the Sally Port, he looked at me then looked away. I suddenly saw him in a different light - like he had an extreme make-over. He was wearing a uniform like all the others, no round cowboy-hat or poncho and was even carrying a .38 revolver like the rest. His face was clean shaven, no short cigars. I noticed he was thinner and not quite as muscular (maybe he fasted over the weekend I thought) and he was not as tall as before - that was probably because he was now wearing those shinny black police shoes instead of his big boots with the spurs on them.
Speaking of those spurred boots, I remember Clint stopping this criminal and grabbing him by the neck and lifting him off the ground. Clint was strong. Anyway, he dragged the perp into an alley and interrogated him for a few minutes. Clint had his spurs at the perp's neck. I thought he was going to cut his throat from ear to ear. All I can say is that nine year old boy will think twice about not wearing his helmet while riding his bike.
Thanks for the memories Clint ur I mean Stew.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Devotion: In You or Through You?
God desires us to get to the point where He can use us. Well how does that work? Good question, first He does a work in you;
Philippians 2:13 KJV For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
Now there is a continual work of God in you which is part of the sanctification process - that is the perfecting of the saints. It is not a process of fixing you but of transforming you;
Romans 12:2 KJV And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
When we get to the point where we know what is good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God, then He is able to work through us to benefit others. The sad reality is most christians in America don't know the difference between what the world calls good and what God does? Think I am wrong - lets take a test, one question; Are you a good person?
If you are an christian and said "Yes", I submit you don't know what God calls good? Not to get to wordy but let me do a little follow up. Most people are familiar with the Ten Commandments - God's Standard for living. Let me ask;
1. Have you ever told a lie? It is a simple yes or no, if you are trying to make excuses already - don't bother.
2. Have you ever took anything that didn't belong to you and monetary value is not significant. In other words it could have been a pen or paper clip from work.
3. Have you ever committed adultery? Now before most of you breathe a sigh of relief, Jesus said if you look upon a women (or man) with lust in your heart you have committed adultery therein.
4. Have you ever committed murder? Alright, I'm ok with this one - Jesus said if you had unjust hate (anger) towards another you have committed murder? God's Law is very strict.
If you were honest, you are a lying, thieving, adulteress murderer at heart? OUCH!!! On the day of judgement will you be found guilty or innocent? If you said innocent because God is love - you don't really know Him. He is a Just God and you have broken four of His Ten Commandments. Because God is just he must find you guilty or He wouldn't be Just. The GOOD NEWS is that Jesus left Heaven to be born of a virgin, suffered and was crucified and died to pay the debt of my guilt. He rose again on the third day and ascended to Heaven to be seated at the right hand of the Father so that all who call upon His name and put their trust in Him will be saved.
The problem is many of you (synonymous with us - me too) never get to the point that the work God is doing in us is so that He can work through us and we can effectively represent Him and His message to others so the can be reconciled to Him;
2 Corinthians 5:20 NKJV Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God.
Remember; you don't go to church (christian) to find Jesus. You brought Him! because He is in you wanting to work through you.
Philippians 2:13 KJV For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
Now there is a continual work of God in you which is part of the sanctification process - that is the perfecting of the saints. It is not a process of fixing you but of transforming you;
Romans 12:2 KJV And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
When we get to the point where we know what is good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God, then He is able to work through us to benefit others. The sad reality is most christians in America don't know the difference between what the world calls good and what God does? Think I am wrong - lets take a test, one question; Are you a good person?
If you are an christian and said "Yes", I submit you don't know what God calls good? Not to get to wordy but let me do a little follow up. Most people are familiar with the Ten Commandments - God's Standard for living. Let me ask;
1. Have you ever told a lie? It is a simple yes or no, if you are trying to make excuses already - don't bother.
2. Have you ever took anything that didn't belong to you and monetary value is not significant. In other words it could have been a pen or paper clip from work.
3. Have you ever committed adultery? Now before most of you breathe a sigh of relief, Jesus said if you look upon a women (or man) with lust in your heart you have committed adultery therein.
4. Have you ever committed murder? Alright, I'm ok with this one - Jesus said if you had unjust hate (anger) towards another you have committed murder? God's Law is very strict.
If you were honest, you are a lying, thieving, adulteress murderer at heart? OUCH!!! On the day of judgement will you be found guilty or innocent? If you said innocent because God is love - you don't really know Him. He is a Just God and you have broken four of His Ten Commandments. Because God is just he must find you guilty or He wouldn't be Just. The GOOD NEWS is that Jesus left Heaven to be born of a virgin, suffered and was crucified and died to pay the debt of my guilt. He rose again on the third day and ascended to Heaven to be seated at the right hand of the Father so that all who call upon His name and put their trust in Him will be saved.
The problem is many of you (synonymous with us - me too) never get to the point that the work God is doing in us is so that He can work through us and we can effectively represent Him and His message to others so the can be reconciled to Him;
2 Corinthians 5:20 NKJV Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ's behalf, be reconciled to God.
Remember; you don't go to church (christian) to find Jesus. You brought Him! because He is in you wanting to work through you.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Moses, Roosevelt & Obama!
5000 years ago, Moses said, "Pick up your shovels, mount your asses and camels, and I will lead you to the Promised Land." When Welfare was introduced, Roosevelt said, "Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, and light up a Camel, this is the Promised Land." Today, the government has stolen your shovel, taxed your asses, raised the price of Camels and mortgaged the Promised Land to China.
Sent to me by a friend.
Sent to me by a friend.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Breaking Story-National Disgrace!
Why do we continue to pay other countries (enemies no less) to hate us? We can get that for free!
Friday, August 12, 2011
How Did You Fall Asleep Last Night?
Well yesterday marked the first day of school here in the mountains of North Georgia. Summer for the kids is officially over (not for me though). I can vaguely remember entering High School, only a few fond memories stick out some 35 years later.
One in particular was my first day as a Freshman, I remember this one, I was standing at my new locker on the Southeast corner of the school with a few friends from grammar school when Mary Larson walked towards me. First let me tell you about Mary, she was a Junior and Captain of the Pom Pom Team. Mary had slamming red hair and was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Mary was the sister of Tim Larson whom I had played little league baseball fort years with. I only remember seeing Mary at one game, but that was all it took. Tim teased me when he saw how star struck I was. Back to the first day, Mary walked right up to me and and said "Hi Ernie" (she knew my NAME!!!!!!!) and planted a kiss on my lips and a big hug right in front of all my friends. I couldn't speak, nor could my friends. I didn't wash my face or bathe for days. I didn't bathe much back then anyway, I just went longer.
That was my first day, in contrast to a young lady I know from our church whom has committed her life to Jesus Christ our Lord this summer. When she saw her girlfriends which she hadn't seen all summer they ridiculed her upon finding out about her knew found faith. They called her names every time they saw her throughout the day and gave her mean looks and made fun of her.
Now if you are some one reading this saying; "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me." You are either an idiot or a fool! That little rhyme we learned as kids is one of the biggest lie perpetrated on people. Our jails and penitentiaries are filled with men and women who heard little to know love or affection and a lot of ridicule.
The young lady I spoke of cried here self to sleep in her mothers arms. Thank God Almighty for providing you loving parents if you had them. If you did not He is willing to be your loving Father.
If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. They will treat you this way because of my name, for they do not know the One who sent me. If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin. Now, however, they have no excuse for their sin. He who hates me hates my Father as well. If I had not done among them what no one else did, they would not be guilty of sin. But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: 'They hated me without reason.'
John 15:18-25
How did YOU fall asleep last night?
One in particular was my first day as a Freshman, I remember this one, I was standing at my new locker on the Southeast corner of the school with a few friends from grammar school when Mary Larson walked towards me. First let me tell you about Mary, she was a Junior and Captain of the Pom Pom Team. Mary had slamming red hair and was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Mary was the sister of Tim Larson whom I had played little league baseball fort years with. I only remember seeing Mary at one game, but that was all it took. Tim teased me when he saw how star struck I was. Back to the first day, Mary walked right up to me and and said "Hi Ernie" (she knew my NAME!!!!!!!) and planted a kiss on my lips and a big hug right in front of all my friends. I couldn't speak, nor could my friends. I didn't wash my face or bathe for days. I didn't bathe much back then anyway, I just went longer.
That was my first day, in contrast to a young lady I know from our church whom has committed her life to Jesus Christ our Lord this summer. When she saw her girlfriends which she hadn't seen all summer they ridiculed her upon finding out about her knew found faith. They called her names every time they saw her throughout the day and gave her mean looks and made fun of her.
Now if you are some one reading this saying; "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me." You are either an idiot or a fool! That little rhyme we learned as kids is one of the biggest lie perpetrated on people. Our jails and penitentiaries are filled with men and women who heard little to know love or affection and a lot of ridicule.
The young lady I spoke of cried here self to sleep in her mothers arms. Thank God Almighty for providing you loving parents if you had them. If you did not He is willing to be your loving Father.

John 15:18-25
How did YOU fall asleep last night?
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Psalm 23
During a birthday party for a young man, one of the guests was a well known actor. If I was to mention his name most of you would know whom I am talking about. This actor was a close friend of the family, even prior to the young mans birth. As the ceremony formally began, the father of the birthday boy asked his close friend, the actor, to read the 23rd Psalm. This actor's testimony was that he was "saved" at a young age, however if you knew who I was talking about you would know that he was not living his conviction!? (Oh, did that hit home for many)
Anyway, as the actor started to read; The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. Now as he was reading he began to recall this Psalm which he had memorized as a youth. He continued to read on with passion; He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Being a great orator, he used his skill to dramatize the scripture and with a triumphal ending finished the Psalm with; Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever! The crowd of family and friends clapped with exuberance.
The actor humbly bowed and looked to the families older pastor, now retired and well into his eighties the actor asked the pastor jokingly, if he remembered the 23rd Psalm and if he would recite it. The old pastor painstakingly stood to his feet. The old pastor closed his eyes and raised his hands as high as he could and began quoting; The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. The old pastor spoke slowly and the gatherers could feel his sincerity and actual experience of what he was saying. His voice broke as he recalled the next two verses; He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. With the last two verses the old pastor bowed his upper body, his head shook from side to side, his hands clasped together and with tears in his eyes spoke; Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever...
The old pastor finished, wiped his eyes with his handkerchief and then sat down. No one clapped nor spoke, however many were crying. Slowly the festivities continued. The father of the young man slowly approached his friend the actor and asked him what he thought the difference was in both of there renditions of Psalm 23. The actor said; I knew the Psalm from memory as I read it, he knew the One the Psalm was talking about.
Do you know Him or have you only read or heard about Him?
Anyway, as the actor started to read; The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. Now as he was reading he began to recall this Psalm which he had memorized as a youth. He continued to read on with passion; He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Being a great orator, he used his skill to dramatize the scripture and with a triumphal ending finished the Psalm with; Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever! The crowd of family and friends clapped with exuberance.
The actor humbly bowed and looked to the families older pastor, now retired and well into his eighties the actor asked the pastor jokingly, if he remembered the 23rd Psalm and if he would recite it. The old pastor painstakingly stood to his feet. The old pastor closed his eyes and raised his hands as high as he could and began quoting; The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. The old pastor spoke slowly and the gatherers could feel his sincerity and actual experience of what he was saying. His voice broke as he recalled the next two verses; He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. With the last two verses the old pastor bowed his upper body, his head shook from side to side, his hands clasped together and with tears in his eyes spoke; Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever...
The old pastor finished, wiped his eyes with his handkerchief and then sat down. No one clapped nor spoke, however many were crying. Slowly the festivities continued. The father of the young man slowly approached his friend the actor and asked him what he thought the difference was in both of there renditions of Psalm 23. The actor said; I knew the Psalm from memory as I read it, he knew the One the Psalm was talking about.
Do you know Him or have you only read or heard about Him?
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Club God
This summer I took Caleb to the beach. As we played in the water together, he tried to to talk and play with every one else(he is SOOOO outgoing). One lady who was watching her grandson asked how old he was, I told her Caleb was two years old. She was astonished because her grandson was two and Caleb is bigger than most four year old's. Well that started her and I conversing and I asked the usual questions, then I asked if she attended a church in the area. She told me she just joined a Mormon church because they have tremendous family values. She must have seen my puzzled look when I said; I have never heard it put that way before.
Some of you might be saying what if anything is wrong with that? I am glad you asked. To answer this we must ask a couple of questions;
1. What or who is the Church? The Biblical church is not walls and floors but people. Most people when asked about their church identify with a building. If you say; I go to church, and don't understand what I have just said, then their is a good chance you are not even part of God's church. The Good News is that you can change your position in Jesus Christ RIGHT NOW!? The word "church" is ekklesia in the Greek which means assembly or called-out ones. If you are saved, you are the church. You can't go to what you are. You are already it!?
Ephesians 1:22-23 NLT
(22) God has put all things under the authority of Christ and has made Him head over all things for the benefit of the church.
(23) And the church is His body; it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with Himself.
2. What is the purpose of the Church? Corporate worship to a Holy, Righteous and Loving God for starters. Teaching God's Word, providing fellowship for believers (the church), observing the Lord's Supper and to Pray (both corporate and individual prayer).
Acts 2:42 NASB
(42) They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
Now a by-product of the above would be better personal and family values however, that is not a reason to join a "fellowship / church. If you just want those things then you can or are most likely in a Club. The largest so-called christian church in the world doesn't teach God's Word, as a matter of fact only forty years ago you could still hear the Mass in Latin. I know very very very few Americans that speak Latin - do you? This same "church" doesn't want you to even read your Bible or bring it to the services - you gotta start asking WHY???
Further, if there is "secret stuff" going on in your "church", you also are in Club God. Keep this in mind; the devil is not against religion (i'd say it again, but you should just read it twice - same effect). Religion keeps people from "KNOWING GOD"! You can only get to know God through a personal relationship with Him and to Know Him (The Father) you must Know who The Son really is. If you have a false understanding of Jesus, you have a false relationship with The Father. But Ernie, who then am I praying to? You can figure that one out...
This is one "Club" you don't want to belong to.
Some of you might be saying what if anything is wrong with that? I am glad you asked. To answer this we must ask a couple of questions;
1. What or who is the Church? The Biblical church is not walls and floors but people. Most people when asked about their church identify with a building. If you say; I go to church, and don't understand what I have just said, then their is a good chance you are not even part of God's church. The Good News is that you can change your position in Jesus Christ RIGHT NOW!? The word "church" is ekklesia in the Greek which means assembly or called-out ones. If you are saved, you are the church. You can't go to what you are. You are already it!?
Ephesians 1:22-23 NLT
(22) God has put all things under the authority of Christ and has made Him head over all things for the benefit of the church.
(23) And the church is His body; it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with Himself.
2. What is the purpose of the Church? Corporate worship to a Holy, Righteous and Loving God for starters. Teaching God's Word, providing fellowship for believers (the church), observing the Lord's Supper and to Pray (both corporate and individual prayer).
Acts 2:42 NASB
(42) They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
Now a by-product of the above would be better personal and family values however, that is not a reason to join a "fellowship / church. If you just want those things then you can or are most likely in a Club. The largest so-called christian church in the world doesn't teach God's Word, as a matter of fact only forty years ago you could still hear the Mass in Latin. I know very very very few Americans that speak Latin - do you? This same "church" doesn't want you to even read your Bible or bring it to the services - you gotta start asking WHY???
Further, if there is "secret stuff" going on in your "church", you also are in Club God. Keep this in mind; the devil is not against religion (i'd say it again, but you should just read it twice - same effect). Religion keeps people from "KNOWING GOD"! You can only get to know God through a personal relationship with Him and to Know Him (The Father) you must Know who The Son really is. If you have a false understanding of Jesus, you have a false relationship with The Father. But Ernie, who then am I praying to? You can figure that one out...
This is one "Club" you don't want to belong to.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Caleb Said; "WOW"!
A few weeks ago Carey (my bride) and her sister Kim went to Alabama to visit their father who was undergoing heart surgery. Carey was gone for a few days and Daddy's Boy (Caleb) and I spent all our time together. At night we would pray for Mommy, Breana, Joshua, Corina and Grampa Fred (Carey's Dad). We would end of our prayers with; In Jesus Name, Amen!
At the end of this particular prayer Caleb said (He is two years old) "God"? I responded with; yes, we were talking to God. Caleb then said in his two year old draw; WOWWW! I told him that it is WOW that we can speak directly to God!
It wasn't always this way though. Before Jesus died on the cross for our sins, there was a vail which separated the Holy of Holies from the Holy Place and only the High Priest could enter after much preparation. It is commonly told that the High Priest had a rope tied around his waist and if he entered God's presence with unconfessed sin he died and had to be dragged out.
Jesus is our High Priest and upon His death the vail was torn in two.
"And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent" (Matthew 27:51).
The significance is that we can commune directly with God The Father and that is WOW! Incredible that my two year old can get this and most can't see it?
"And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all" (Hebrew 9:3). "The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest, while as the first tabernacle was yet standing" (Hebrew 9:8). "But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building; Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us" (Hebrews 9:11-12).
Happy Fourth
At the end of this particular prayer Caleb said (He is two years old) "God"? I responded with; yes, we were talking to God. Caleb then said in his two year old draw; WOWWW! I told him that it is WOW that we can speak directly to God!
It wasn't always this way though. Before Jesus died on the cross for our sins, there was a vail which separated the Holy of Holies from the Holy Place and only the High Priest could enter after much preparation. It is commonly told that the High Priest had a rope tied around his waist and if he entered God's presence with unconfessed sin he died and had to be dragged out.
Jesus is our High Priest and upon His death the vail was torn in two.
"And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent" (Matthew 27:51).
The significance is that we can commune directly with God The Father and that is WOW! Incredible that my two year old can get this and most can't see it?
"And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all" (Hebrew 9:3). "The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest, while as the first tabernacle was yet standing" (Hebrew 9:8). "But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building; Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us" (Hebrews 9:11-12).
Happy Fourth
Monday, June 27, 2011
I'm Not A Political Analyst BUUUUUT;
This morning I was watching a segment on FOX News in which the Anchor Lady relayed a statement made by an unknown women (caught the end, sorry) about two-faced statements made by this president. There were two analysts, one for the liberal side (male) and one for the conservative side (female). The Democrat responded (you guess if he is liberal or conservative) with a very short sort-of acknowledgement about the validity of the statement but then said; "I know this, that she is not a political analyst!" He made this statement as if to say (I could be wrong - NOT) she is not qualified to make such judgements and that should be left to the professionals (or really left to the left! Get it?)
Well, this made me think and here we go;
I'm not a political analyst BUT, I know a fake (meaning no qualifications) when I see one!
I'm not a political analyst BUT, I know a liar when I can hear what one says and does!
I'm not a political analyst BUT, I know you can't spend your way out of debt or trouble!
I'm not a political analyst BUT, I know a socialist when one speaks and acts!
I'm going on a limb on this one. I'm not a political analyst BUT, I know you don't elect a muslim when at war with one, especially when it is hard to see what side he really is on (it's not that hard)!?
I'm not a political analyst BUT, I know it is better to drill at home than pay away - HELLO!
I'm not a political analyst BUT, I realize when Special Interest Groups are not in mine or this countries best interests!
I'm not a political analyst BUT, I realize that ALL WARS COST, Sacrifices, Money and Time! Ironically they cost whether we "win or lose", one tends to be better than the other?
I'm not a political analyst BUT, I know that Thomas Jefferson knew more about running a healthy country than ALL of Congress combined! What is really sad is that he told us what not to do and that is exactly what we are doing?
I'm not a political analyst BUT, I know that our current taxation is killing businesses!
I'm not a political analyst BUT, I know when some one can't budget themselves and the terrible cost it costs!
Lastly (and everybody said "Amen"); I'm not a political analyst and if they are anything like politicians then I waisted five minutes of precious time listening to him. I hope I didn't waste your time?
Well, this made me think and here we go;
I'm not a political analyst BUT, I know a fake (meaning no qualifications) when I see one!
I'm not a political analyst BUT, I know a liar when I can hear what one says and does!
I'm not a political analyst BUT, I know you can't spend your way out of debt or trouble!
I'm not a political analyst BUT, I know a socialist when one speaks and acts!
I'm going on a limb on this one. I'm not a political analyst BUT, I know you don't elect a muslim when at war with one, especially when it is hard to see what side he really is on (it's not that hard)!?
I'm not a political analyst BUT, I know it is better to drill at home than pay away - HELLO!
I'm not a political analyst BUT, I realize when Special Interest Groups are not in mine or this countries best interests!
I'm not a political analyst BUT, I realize that ALL WARS COST, Sacrifices, Money and Time! Ironically they cost whether we "win or lose", one tends to be better than the other?
I'm not a political analyst BUT, I know that Thomas Jefferson knew more about running a healthy country than ALL of Congress combined! What is really sad is that he told us what not to do and that is exactly what we are doing?
I'm not a political analyst BUT, I know that our current taxation is killing businesses!
I'm not a political analyst BUT, I know when some one can't budget themselves and the terrible cost it costs!
Lastly (and everybody said "Amen"); I'm not a political analyst and if they are anything like politicians then I waisted five minutes of precious time listening to him. I hope I didn't waste your time?
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Conservative Humor from My Dad
The Pope and Obama are on the same stage in Yankee Stadium in front of a huge crowd.
The Pope leans towards Mr. Obama and said, "Do you know that with one little wave of my hand I can make every person in this crowd go wild with joy? This joy will not be a momentary display, but will go deep into their hearts and they'll forever speak of this day and rejoice!"
Obama replied, "I seriously doubt that! With one little wave of your hand....Show me!"
So the Pope backhanded him and knocked him off the stage!
Kind of brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it?
Sunday, June 19, 2011
"How To Drink A House" by Ray Comfort
The following is from Ray Comfort's Blog:
It's been said that if you have a question about something, ask a teenager. They know everything. Well, they think they do. One of my sons moved into an apartment with a couple of friends when he was a teenager. After about a year of his paying rent, I explained to him how much he could have saved if he had stayed at home. The thought of not paying rent, no utility bills, free food, and clean clothes must have spoken to him, because he moved back home and saved a bundle.
He was soon in a financial position to support the woman of his dreams. This happened around the time he purchased a pair of generic sneakers for about $20. He said that he realized he had been wasting money on high-priced designer brands just to look cool. My boy had become a man.
More recently a mother asked me to talk to her teenage daughter about tattoos. The daughter was tempted to get one, so I suggested that she wait until she was in her early 20s, and then make a decision. When I added that the difference between 19 and 22 was about 10 years, both mother and daughter nodded in agreement.
Tattoos are fine for those who want to mark themselves for life. I remember chatting with a very distressed man who complained that he couldn’t get a job. I told him that the words "F- - - You!" that he had tattooed on his chin, could have had something to do with it. He reluctantly agreed.
Two nights before I was married I decided to find out if there was anything worthwhile in alcohol and tobacco. I drank eight double Bacardis and then chain-smoked 13 cigarettes. All that happened was that I ended up with a mouth that tasted horrible, and had to be carried home because I couldn't walk. Needless to say I didn't take up smoking or drinking. After becoming a Christian I saw the wisdom of my decision: "Fools, because of their transgression, and because of their iniquities, were afflicted" (Psalm 107:17).
After speaking with a friend (affectionately known as "Bear") about the subject of smoking and drinking, he told me that before he was a Christian, he drank "a whole house." He wasn't joking. He threw away enough money on alcohol to buy his own home. Now he is forced to live in a tiny rented house with his wife, son, and daughter-in-law, struggling week by week to make ends meet. His American dream went down the drain...flushed forever. But that's not the whole story. Alcohol doesn't just drain us of finances, it drains us of health. It not only deprived Bear of his own home, but left him with serious medical problems.
Bear also "smoked an SUV." He threw away thousands of dollars on cancer sticks--and the vehicle he could have owned went up in smoke. He estimated that he spent $47,000 on cigarettes and an incredible $170,000 on alcohol in the 23 years that he smoked and drank.
Now that Bear can see through the smoke, he's the first to admit that people who smoke are a little slow mentally. Think about what smokers do. They pay good money for cigarettes when they could just as easily wrap their lips around any exhaust pipe and get similar carcinogens. Tobacco smoke is poison.
Alcohol is also a poison. It's "toxic." That's why we call someone who is drunk "intoxicated." They are filled with poison. Hangovers are a good clue that the body doesn't like what is going down. It's trying to say, "No more, please."
Last month, I took time to chat with a teenager smoking outside of his workplace. He was on his break and had stepped outside for a breath of fresh air. As he breathed in the fresh air of toxic fumes, I explained what fun it is to die of emphysema. No doubt the naive kid thought that his lungs were like two paper bags that he filled with smoke, and then when he kind of squeezed them, he was able to make little smoke signals come out of his ashtray mouth. If the smoke was sending any signal, it was saying that where there's smoke, there's fire. In time, he was going to get burned.
I said that his lungs were made up of tiny holes, and every time he breathed in the poison of burning fumes, they were slowly clogging up with a black tar, and eventually he would suffocate. That means nothing to a healthy, breathing teenager—unless you can get him to experiment by closing his mouth and then blocking his nose, so that he can only breathe in the smallest amount of air. Doing that produces a sense of terror-stricken panic in the human mind. Try it for a moment, if you dare. That's what it's like to die of emphysema. And modern medicine can do nothing but stand by and watch you suffocate to death.
So my advice to a drinking smoker is that we only get one shot at this life. We should therefore make it our aim to be on target, and we can do that by thinking deeply about life's consequences. And while we're thinking clearly, we should give some sobering thought as to where we will spend eternity. If you are having such thoughts, you will find details about how to find everlasting life on
POSTED BY RAY COMFORT ON 6/15/2011 11:44:00 PM
It's been said that if you have a question about something, ask a teenager. They know everything. Well, they think they do. One of my sons moved into an apartment with a couple of friends when he was a teenager. After about a year of his paying rent, I explained to him how much he could have saved if he had stayed at home. The thought of not paying rent, no utility bills, free food, and clean clothes must have spoken to him, because he moved back home and saved a bundle.
He was soon in a financial position to support the woman of his dreams. This happened around the time he purchased a pair of generic sneakers for about $20. He said that he realized he had been wasting money on high-priced designer brands just to look cool. My boy had become a man.
More recently a mother asked me to talk to her teenage daughter about tattoos. The daughter was tempted to get one, so I suggested that she wait until she was in her early 20s, and then make a decision. When I added that the difference between 19 and 22 was about 10 years, both mother and daughter nodded in agreement.
Tattoos are fine for those who want to mark themselves for life. I remember chatting with a very distressed man who complained that he couldn’t get a job. I told him that the words "F- - - You!" that he had tattooed on his chin, could have had something to do with it. He reluctantly agreed.
Two nights before I was married I decided to find out if there was anything worthwhile in alcohol and tobacco. I drank eight double Bacardis and then chain-smoked 13 cigarettes. All that happened was that I ended up with a mouth that tasted horrible, and had to be carried home because I couldn't walk. Needless to say I didn't take up smoking or drinking. After becoming a Christian I saw the wisdom of my decision: "Fools, because of their transgression, and because of their iniquities, were afflicted" (Psalm 107:17).
After speaking with a friend (affectionately known as "Bear") about the subject of smoking and drinking, he told me that before he was a Christian, he drank "a whole house." He wasn't joking. He threw away enough money on alcohol to buy his own home. Now he is forced to live in a tiny rented house with his wife, son, and daughter-in-law, struggling week by week to make ends meet. His American dream went down the drain...flushed forever. But that's not the whole story. Alcohol doesn't just drain us of finances, it drains us of health. It not only deprived Bear of his own home, but left him with serious medical problems.
Bear also "smoked an SUV." He threw away thousands of dollars on cancer sticks--and the vehicle he could have owned went up in smoke. He estimated that he spent $47,000 on cigarettes and an incredible $170,000 on alcohol in the 23 years that he smoked and drank.
Now that Bear can see through the smoke, he's the first to admit that people who smoke are a little slow mentally. Think about what smokers do. They pay good money for cigarettes when they could just as easily wrap their lips around any exhaust pipe and get similar carcinogens. Tobacco smoke is poison.
Alcohol is also a poison. It's "toxic." That's why we call someone who is drunk "intoxicated." They are filled with poison. Hangovers are a good clue that the body doesn't like what is going down. It's trying to say, "No more, please."
Last month, I took time to chat with a teenager smoking outside of his workplace. He was on his break and had stepped outside for a breath of fresh air. As he breathed in the fresh air of toxic fumes, I explained what fun it is to die of emphysema. No doubt the naive kid thought that his lungs were like two paper bags that he filled with smoke, and then when he kind of squeezed them, he was able to make little smoke signals come out of his ashtray mouth. If the smoke was sending any signal, it was saying that where there's smoke, there's fire. In time, he was going to get burned.
I said that his lungs were made up of tiny holes, and every time he breathed in the poison of burning fumes, they were slowly clogging up with a black tar, and eventually he would suffocate. That means nothing to a healthy, breathing teenager—unless you can get him to experiment by closing his mouth and then blocking his nose, so that he can only breathe in the smallest amount of air. Doing that produces a sense of terror-stricken panic in the human mind. Try it for a moment, if you dare. That's what it's like to die of emphysema. And modern medicine can do nothing but stand by and watch you suffocate to death.
So my advice to a drinking smoker is that we only get one shot at this life. We should therefore make it our aim to be on target, and we can do that by thinking deeply about life's consequences. And while we're thinking clearly, we should give some sobering thought as to where we will spend eternity. If you are having such thoughts, you will find details about how to find everlasting life on
POSTED BY RAY COMFORT ON 6/15/2011 11:44:00 PM
Friday, June 17, 2011
Why Do Great Nations Fall
On October 21, 2010, Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) unveiled a national ad addressing our country’s spending addiction, the dangers of relentless deficits, and the corrosive nature of our national debt.
My Dad sent me this, thought I would pass it on.
Friday, June 10, 2011
I Want To Change Without Really Changing!?
The other day I told my Dad that I want to lose 15-20lbs, then I stopped and said that I wanted to lose the weight but not bad enough to change the way that I eat. Ernie, I hear what you are typing down brother.
Think about this for a minute, doctors and medicine take care of my blood pressure and high cholesterol by simply taking some pill. In other words the doctor I go to doesn't really help me get better, just from getting worse quickly? I am not motivated to change my diet and don't have to because of modern science. The downside of taking the medicine is that my current eating behavior just gets stronger and change becomes even more difficult.
They say that knowing you have a problem is half the battle - THAT IS A LIE!!! Think of how many people that you know smoke, and everybody knows how bad it is. That knowledge does not result in change, at least for the bulk of people.
Everybody has the same disease and all should know it! Yes, some deny it on the outside, however if they have an ounce (about as much as me) of intelligence then they know it. This disease is terminal for all who have it, It is genetic and passed on through blood. It is more deadly than Aids!? The disease I am speaking about is SIN. There is only ONE cure for sin - it is a blood transfusion from some one who is sinless? The Sinless One's Blood must cleanse away all the sin in every one who is willing to be Washed in the Blood. The Blood must be able to cleanse all past sin, present sin and even future sin?
Well, there is hope! God from Heaven, sent is only Son Jesus to earth, to be born of a virgin and made a man (the God-Man), whom would suffer unjustly for all of our sins (thats me and you and you and you) and be made a sacrifice for us all and be put to death on a cross, only to rise again in three days. Are you at that "cross" today?
John 3:16-18 NLT
"For God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.
God sent His Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through Him.
"There is no judgment against anyone who believes in Him. But anyone who does not believe in Him has already been judged for not believing in God's one and only Son.
Think about this for a minute, doctors and medicine take care of my blood pressure and high cholesterol by simply taking some pill. In other words the doctor I go to doesn't really help me get better, just from getting worse quickly? I am not motivated to change my diet and don't have to because of modern science. The downside of taking the medicine is that my current eating behavior just gets stronger and change becomes even more difficult.
They say that knowing you have a problem is half the battle - THAT IS A LIE!!! Think of how many people that you know smoke, and everybody knows how bad it is. That knowledge does not result in change, at least for the bulk of people.
Everybody has the same disease and all should know it! Yes, some deny it on the outside, however if they have an ounce (about as much as me) of intelligence then they know it. This disease is terminal for all who have it, It is genetic and passed on through blood. It is more deadly than Aids!? The disease I am speaking about is SIN. There is only ONE cure for sin - it is a blood transfusion from some one who is sinless? The Sinless One's Blood must cleanse away all the sin in every one who is willing to be Washed in the Blood. The Blood must be able to cleanse all past sin, present sin and even future sin?
Well, there is hope! God from Heaven, sent is only Son Jesus to earth, to be born of a virgin and made a man (the God-Man), whom would suffer unjustly for all of our sins (thats me and you and you and you) and be made a sacrifice for us all and be put to death on a cross, only to rise again in three days. Are you at that "cross" today?
John 3:16-18 NLT
"For God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.
God sent His Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through Him.
"There is no judgment against anyone who believes in Him. But anyone who does not believe in Him has already been judged for not believing in God's one and only Son.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
Is Your Obedience Really Just Sacrifice?
Most christians and a lot of non-christians can quote; Obedience is better than sacrifice, however, they have no idea where this is and what the difference of the two are, not to mention the context of how it was used and so on...
Lets look at the verse and go from there.
1 Samuel 15:22 NLT But Samuel replied, "What is more pleasing to the LORD: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to His voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams."
There is a lot more here than most people think? Notice the other "S" word; submission? Most people reject or at least are uncomfortable with all three of these words: obedience, sacrifice and submission, and God uses them all in one verse-go figure.
I only want to touch on one point here, that most people think they are being obedient and even a few (very few) submissive when in fact they are only being sacrificial. Huh, what? Think about it, when I am asked or commanded, in this case from God, to do something - like go to Africa (or just to my neighbors house) as a missionary, I would rather just sacrifice some income instead and send money instead of myself?
Come on folks, this has more applications than just your faith or lack of one! Yes I will obey as long as I want to? That is sacrifice not obedience! On the outside they should look the same - LIKE I WANT TO DO IT! On the inside they look different - sacrifice usually involves stretching me, growing in faith. Obedience on the other hand should be done out of love and joy which comes from established trust. I AM TO DO IT (whatever "it" is) BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT I AM SUPPOSE TO DO.
I used to tell my oldest daughter years ago; just obey me and I will give you the desires of your heart, all you have to do is obey!?
The reason I bring this up is that most people who sacrifice, wear it all over themselves.
Let us (me too) check our motives today...
Lets look at the verse and go from there.
1 Samuel 15:22 NLT But Samuel replied, "What is more pleasing to the LORD: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to His voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams."
There is a lot more here than most people think? Notice the other "S" word; submission? Most people reject or at least are uncomfortable with all three of these words: obedience, sacrifice and submission, and God uses them all in one verse-go figure.
I only want to touch on one point here, that most people think they are being obedient and even a few (very few) submissive when in fact they are only being sacrificial. Huh, what? Think about it, when I am asked or commanded, in this case from God, to do something - like go to Africa (or just to my neighbors house) as a missionary, I would rather just sacrifice some income instead and send money instead of myself?
Come on folks, this has more applications than just your faith or lack of one! Yes I will obey as long as I want to? That is sacrifice not obedience! On the outside they should look the same - LIKE I WANT TO DO IT! On the inside they look different - sacrifice usually involves stretching me, growing in faith. Obedience on the other hand should be done out of love and joy which comes from established trust. I AM TO DO IT (whatever "it" is) BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT I AM SUPPOSE TO DO.
I used to tell my oldest daughter years ago; just obey me and I will give you the desires of your heart, all you have to do is obey!?
The reason I bring this up is that most people who sacrifice, wear it all over themselves.
Let us (me too) check our motives today...
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
"Last-Day Change of Seasons"
Wilfred Hahn of Midnight Call Ministries writes in his book; Last-Day Change of Seasons:
The entire prophecy found in James 5:1-6 lists at least six financial or economic signs of the last days. I have counted almost 50 such general signs following years of Bible study. This passage in James is the most concentrated assembly of such indicators. They include hoarding, accumulation of wealth, wage inequities, different classes of workers, luxuries and indulgence (consumerism at its peak!), conditions of economic brutality, and perhaps even widespread obesity. Most significantly, the edifice of wealth is then turned into a curse as it is corroded and proven illusory.
James 5:1-4 NIV
Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming upon you.
Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes.
Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days.
Look! The wages you failed to pay the workmen who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty.
James’ pronouncement indeed is a prophecy. He clearly refers the “to the last days” (verse 3). Though it is true that the last days already were in force during his time in the first century, it remains that the last days — the very last days — are surely in force today. The “day of slaughter” that he mentions (verse 5) has yet to occur and is future, referring to the Great Tribulation and has the same meaning as the “Day of the Lord.” (Wilfred Hahn)
In December of 2008 the report; The Worldwide Distribution of Household Wealth was released;
Returning to the recent wealth report, according to its authors’ research, the top 10 percent of adults in the world own 85 percent of global household wealth (2005). The average member of this wealthy group therefore has 8.5 times the holdings of the global average. Furthermore, the top 2 percent and 1 percent of the world’s population is estimated to own 51 percent and 40 percent of world household wealth, respectively. This is a more extreme distribution than had been estimated by surveying global incomes in previous studies.
Very likely, the world today has a much more imbalanced wealth skew — the rich are richer, and the non-rich relatively poorer — than ever before in history. How extreme might this condition yet become in the future? It is hard to say. However, there comes a point where a further skewing becomes highly toxic for the world’s economic healthfulness. That point may indeed be nearer than we think. In fact, if trends continue at the pace of recent years, severe economic problems are sure to emerge in America as well as around the world. As it is, America itself is experiencing a rapid skewing of wealth. Again, if trends continue as they have over the past 10 years, it would not be surprising to see the US have wealth imbalances more extreme than Mexico and much of Latin America. (excerpts from Wilfred Hahn)
All this that is written is setting a stage for someone to enter on the scene seemingly with all the answers to fix our problems - he is referred to as the antichrist (does not deserve capitalization).
No you say my former PBSO brothers and sisters? Look at the proposed changes trying to be made as we speak into the Florida Retirement System!?
Little by little, fewer and fewer, make more and more of the decisions.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
The entire prophecy found in James 5:1-6 lists at least six financial or economic signs of the last days. I have counted almost 50 such general signs following years of Bible study. This passage in James is the most concentrated assembly of such indicators. They include hoarding, accumulation of wealth, wage inequities, different classes of workers, luxuries and indulgence (consumerism at its peak!), conditions of economic brutality, and perhaps even widespread obesity. Most significantly, the edifice of wealth is then turned into a curse as it is corroded and proven illusory.
James 5:1-4 NIV
Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming upon you.
Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes.
Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days.
Look! The wages you failed to pay the workmen who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty.
James’ pronouncement indeed is a prophecy. He clearly refers the “to the last days” (verse 3). Though it is true that the last days already were in force during his time in the first century, it remains that the last days — the very last days — are surely in force today. The “day of slaughter” that he mentions (verse 5) has yet to occur and is future, referring to the Great Tribulation and has the same meaning as the “Day of the Lord.” (Wilfred Hahn)
In December of 2008 the report; The Worldwide Distribution of Household Wealth was released;
Returning to the recent wealth report, according to its authors’ research, the top 10 percent of adults in the world own 85 percent of global household wealth (2005). The average member of this wealthy group therefore has 8.5 times the holdings of the global average. Furthermore, the top 2 percent and 1 percent of the world’s population is estimated to own 51 percent and 40 percent of world household wealth, respectively. This is a more extreme distribution than had been estimated by surveying global incomes in previous studies.
Very likely, the world today has a much more imbalanced wealth skew — the rich are richer, and the non-rich relatively poorer — than ever before in history. How extreme might this condition yet become in the future? It is hard to say. However, there comes a point where a further skewing becomes highly toxic for the world’s economic healthfulness. That point may indeed be nearer than we think. In fact, if trends continue at the pace of recent years, severe economic problems are sure to emerge in America as well as around the world. As it is, America itself is experiencing a rapid skewing of wealth. Again, if trends continue as they have over the past 10 years, it would not be surprising to see the US have wealth imbalances more extreme than Mexico and much of Latin America. (excerpts from Wilfred Hahn)
All this that is written is setting a stage for someone to enter on the scene seemingly with all the answers to fix our problems - he is referred to as the antichrist (does not deserve capitalization).
No you say my former PBSO brothers and sisters? Look at the proposed changes trying to be made as we speak into the Florida Retirement System!?
Little by little, fewer and fewer, make more and more of the decisions.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Big Government and its Growth
In 2009 the defense budget and Social Security combines for $1 trillion 318 billion or about 70% of all taxes collected. In a book written by Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes about the hidden costs of our current war titled; The Three Trillion Dollar War, they concluded that it costs the United States about $1 million per year per soldier to send to Iraq or Afghanistan. Now, I believe in a strong defense and in what we were sent to do, however, I need to point out the costs and show how they relate to bigger and bigger government. Everyone must concede, war costs in many ways whether we like it or not.
Governments grow when war occurs. More soldiers, more equipment, more facilities, more money to make it happen all funded by the American people and orchestrated by the US government. So what you say, our nation learned early on that in order to grow the government, which means more power, wars were needed, but not necessarily military wars?
Social wars and political wars could do the same thing! The War on Poverty, War on Crime, War on Drugs, War on Terror, War on Afghanistan, War on Iraq and now the War on Libya. All these wars still have casualties and require the government to come to the rescue. I submit that these wars are created on purpose to cause greater governmental control and less freedoms! Further, the Presidents appoint Czar's to each of these wars, who answer to him alone. I am telling you that the power pulling the strings does not want these wars to end!? Who is this power? Do you know?
WOW, Ernie you have gone off the deep end. No, what is happening is setting up the fall of our nation to global economy. We are losing our identity as a free capitalistic nation and moving towards socialism. It is happening as we speak with national health care. Think people, why would we kill babies in the womb? For awhile now the mothers have been experiencing medical issues as a result but the government refuses to acknowledge them. Who funds abortion clinics?
Wilfred J Hahn, a global economist writes; that real essence behind global financial trends are spiritual issues and the affections of the human heart...
Sadly, more to follow
Governments grow when war occurs. More soldiers, more equipment, more facilities, more money to make it happen all funded by the American people and orchestrated by the US government. So what you say, our nation learned early on that in order to grow the government, which means more power, wars were needed, but not necessarily military wars?
Social wars and political wars could do the same thing! The War on Poverty, War on Crime, War on Drugs, War on Terror, War on Afghanistan, War on Iraq and now the War on Libya. All these wars still have casualties and require the government to come to the rescue. I submit that these wars are created on purpose to cause greater governmental control and less freedoms! Further, the Presidents appoint Czar's to each of these wars, who answer to him alone. I am telling you that the power pulling the strings does not want these wars to end!? Who is this power? Do you know?
WOW, Ernie you have gone off the deep end. No, what is happening is setting up the fall of our nation to global economy. We are losing our identity as a free capitalistic nation and moving towards socialism. It is happening as we speak with national health care. Think people, why would we kill babies in the womb? For awhile now the mothers have been experiencing medical issues as a result but the government refuses to acknowledge them. Who funds abortion clinics?
Wilfred J Hahn, a global economist writes; that real essence behind global financial trends are spiritual issues and the affections of the human heart...
Sadly, more to follow
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