My Uncle Victor, whom happens to be my Godfather, is a leftwing political extremist - he's on the "Grid". I love my Uncle, however his views on Faith, Firearms and Freedom are not shared by me, my father or my brother. Interestingly my folks tell me I am a lot like him in looks and mannerisms, one of his redeeming qualities. Anyway, I was googling and found his blog-site; Victor Kamber. My Uncle's blog is titled; Kamber's Comments. He wrote a blog entitled "Concealed Carry". I originally wrote this blog in 2010. It was my Uncle's blog which inspired me to "TAKR OUR NAME BACK". His blog is no longer on the web - that is a plus in my book!
I was in infuriated to say the least! First off: I am a major proponent of armed citizens. I believe it is our God-Given responsibility to protect ourselves and families. The precept of "Priest, Provider and Protector" are all throughout the Bible. Law Enforcement cannot be everywhere. If by God's Grace we happen to be present during a crime - GREAT, but it rarely works out that way. Uncle Vic to my knowledge, doesn't own a gun and has probably never fired one either.
Second: what does " two beer drinking John Q. Citizens" have to do with concealed carry? Unless what he really means, and I don't know, is ignorant redneck citizens? Either way, that statement was ridiculous.
Third: John Q. Criminal doesn't need a concealed carry permit, he carries one already - and in states that ban guns altogether.
As a former Law Enforcement Officer from South Florida, The vast majority of crime was drugs and alcohol related. Further more the criminals did not have concealed carry permits! No wonder citizens wanted to "legally" carry.
The FBI study is taken completely out of context. Most criminals don't buy guns - they steal them. Most criminals target "soft or easy" targets (like Uncle) not people who are knowingly armed. Now my Uncle is saying legal gun owners are the cause of crime - I thought it was the criminals?
My Uncle is entitled to his opinion - even if it is wrong. Funny how those two words come up so often with liberals - "entitlement & wrong"! I digress - sorry.
The only difference between an armed citizen and one thats not is the armed one has a choice! Like the bumper sticker says: I'll keep my Guns, Money and Freedom. You can keep the change!
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Thank you for your input - ernie