Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The "Grid" is Post Modern, Liberal-Subversive thinking!

Welcome to the Kamber Commentary Blog.  It is our desire to do away with the "political correctness" and strive to just be correct.  The Christian C'onservative roots our nation was founded on will be the "filter" we use to wade through the garbage.  If you like Socialism, Fascism, Totalitarianism, Communism, Obamaism, Clintonism, Pelosism or Satanism, then you probably won't like what I write - at least you will know what side your on...

It is time we recognized that "liberal thinking" is not liberal at all but subversive to this nation's heritage and way of life.  If you are getting your news and general info from the "Triple-Threat"; ABC, NBC and CBS or the Controlling News Network (CNN) then you don't have a clue as to what is really going on.  The statement I just made may sound harsh, but is actually taught in our colleges today!

There are several "ON-Target" forms of media.  Below is a very short list, but a start;

Drudge Report          

WorldnetDaily                    The National Review                   Conservative New Web Sites Link

The Kamber Commentary is produce by: Kamber Business Solutions LLC
Check us out at: Kamber Business